Once a week I talk to this guy who is tutoring me over zoom video calls. Sometimes he says things that seem flirtatious, or like hints that he might be interested in me. A few things he said:

“I couldn’t do a long distance relationship. But… say you and I had strong feelings for each other, and we talk face to face (through video) a lot. I could do that.”

“You are lovely, loveable, and loving. There is nothing about you that someone wouldn’t like.”

“I’ve been wanting to tell you… you’re looking good lately. Really good.”

“I don’t want to go. I wish we could just keep talking like this.”

Things like the above seem pretty clear, especially adding in that whenever I talk about looking for a man, he vehemently opposes to my ideas. HOWEVER, when taken as a whole, it just feels mixed to me because he has never actually said he likes me, he’s interested, he’d like to date me. Nothing. I also send him Christmas and birthday gifts and he does not send them back. He only texts me if I text him first, and some days he’s too busy to get back to me until the following day. He’s single, but he has been on a few dates. He barely tells me anything about that– I find out about it from my friend who also takes lessons with him.

I’ll meet him in person soon, when I go on holiday. Is there anything I should look for to tell me one way or another if he actually has any interest? I don’t know if he’s too passive/shy to make a move if he IS interested; but I can’t make a move myself and risk making things awkward between us. Note that I am vacationing there anyway, and so we made plans to meet up a few times. I am not going solely to meet him.

What do think?

1 comment
  1. He’s clearly wants some to make a move or he can’t and is dangling false hope. I would straight up ask before you waste any irl time on him.

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