I have close friends that are women. Completely platonic, good friends. However I’ve been made to feel recently that hanging out alone with said friends is not respectful of my relationship. Not by my gf, who also has a mixed sex friend group, but by one of my guy friends. I don’t have any problems with who my gf hangs out with and I know she feels the same. We trust each other implicitly.

How many men have women friends?

Does your wife or gf have guy friends?

Does your partner feel jealous or insecure when you hang out with your women friends?

Do you feel jealous or insecure when your wife or gf hangs out with her friends?

What’s the deal?

  1. I don’t have a girlfriend or female friends, but I feel like it would be disrespectful to the person I was in a relationship with if I hung out with a bunch of female friends.

  2. I have woman friends, in my experience girlfriends like when you’re friends with women they consider less attractive than themselves and don’t like the opposite.

  3. my fiancé and I have acquaintances, colleagues etc. of the opposite sex but none that we would go hang out with privately one-on-one

    everyone’s different and there’s no right or wrong here. it’s all about what works for you and your partner in your relationship

  4. It’s totally again to have friends of the opposite gender
    My gf has guy friends and I have female friends
    We don’t get insecure about it because we trust each other and we know it’s perfectly normal to have friends of opposite gender.

    I think your friend who put this idea to you has some trust issues and maybe some insecurities.

    I know some guys who don’t like their gf having male friends and usually it comes from the guy feeling insecure.

    Trust is so important in a relationship so if you have that good for you and don’t worry about what gender your friends are.

  5. >However I’ve been made to feel recently that hanging out alone with said friends is not respectful of my relationship

    i would leave such a relationship. im friend with most of my exes

    >Do you feel jealous or insecure when your wife or gf hangs out with her friends?


  6. I think once you’re old enough you kind of don’t care if you have male, female or anything in between friends.

    They’re just people you get along with.

  7. I have women friends.

    My wife has guy friends.

    Does your partner feel jealous or insecure when you hang out with your women friends? *No*

    Do you feel jealous or insecure when your wife or gf hangs out with her friends? *No*

    What’s the deal? *Your friend is either insecure in his own relationship or one of those tools who claim that men can’t be friends with women without wanting to sleep with them.*

  8. I used to have a bunch but I stopped hanging out with them when I got married because I kept sleeping with them and I didn’t need the temptation.

    My wife was one of my friends too. She was my roommate for a few years. Then we started dating.

    I just can’t help it, I slept with like 90% of my friends when they asked. Why wouldn’t I want to have fun with someone I already liked?

  9. I have loads of female friends. Women seem to gravitate toward me and I really enjoy their company.

    My wife has no male friends, but she’s just antisocial.

  10. Yea I have friends that are women. They’re some of my closest friends, just as close as my closest guy friends are. Like siblings at this point.

    She does have guy friends. Not really as close as mine, but ones that are longtime friends.

    Nope she doesn’t get jealous or insecure. That’s sayin A LOT too cuz she’s the jealous type. This is something she’s comfortable with tho cuz she knows our bonds.

    No I don’t get jealous or insecure.

  11. In my bubble still the everyday business for our generation that each stick to their kind.

    We may have some old friend of opposite sex. I am not good at maintaining friendship, and was in mostly male circle while young so I don’t have ones. My wife has a couple, in our home place or where she studied, and she may happen to visit them when she is around there. I don’t have issues with that.

  12. I’m friends, although not close, to my friends’ gfs, they’re fine with it
    That and my own family members are the only women I have any contact in my life so can’t really help with the rest of your problem

  13. Funny how people love to point the finger at the guy and say he’s just insecure.

    Meanwhile the girlfriend be like ,”Oh yeah I just sleep in bed with my guy friend, while he rubs his lips on my nose and plays with my hair, sometimes be cuddle and watch movies while I sit on his lap and talk about what it would be like to have kids together. But I am not cheating, there is nothing going on, he is just a guy friend and you’re insecure if you say otherwise”

    Lol. I’m pretty convinced that the guys calling others insecure here are the ones trying to shoot their shot with the girlfriend because they don’t have the balls to go for someone single who’s got their guard up.

  14. About 40% of my friends are women.

    I’ve always had female friends. Infact as a teenager. I had paranoia issues based on traumatic bullying to the point where outside of school. I chilled with my sister who I was always close to and her friends who were mostly women. I’ve always had women friends

    And no I don’t think men are more nasty because of my past. Depends on the individual. Ive always had awesome male friends (like my best friend) and met some horrible women.. It’s just throughout my own personal life. I’ve got on with more women as Friends. Doesn’t mean I can’t get on with other men. I love my bros.

  15. I do have some women friends, and although we haven’t had sex I’m not going to deny that there isn’t a slight sexual tension in the air for some of them. It keeps the conversation interesting, a little bit saucy sometimes, but it’s all good fun.

    I don’t “hang out” with them as such though, I think me and another woman going out like that would be disrespectful towards my partner.

    As far as my partner is concerned, she doesn’t have any “non-work” guy friends that I’m aware of, apart from my best friend and he’s not doing anything with her. And I’m relaxed about her going out without me, I trust my partner absolutely.

  16. Sounds like that person has no idea how trust works or has ever experienced it with another person.

  17. I don’t have women around me that I can consider friends, at least not anymore. OTOH, I have very few male friends as well, but we have more interests in common that help bonding.

  18. Yes I have women friends and my wife has male friends.
    I’m 99% fine with my wife hanging out with them and trust her. That last 1% is deep and not based on any logic, so I don’t pay attention to it. It seems completely unfair to deny her friendship with half the population of the world because of this. She’s 100% fine with me hanging out with women and encourages it. Especially for guys the idea of not taking opportunities for friendship wherever they arrive is rough.
    We’ve been together 15 years and nothing inappropriate has happened.

  19. All these dudes in here saying “it’s insecure to not be ok with your girlfriend/wife having male friends” are ignorant and I know I’m going to get pushback from some of you but you truly are naïve…I used to be you until my ex cheated on me with “the friend”, this was a guy who invited me to his house and I 100% trusted.

    I also have a shit ton of experience with women, and I’ve seen A LOT of cheating and it almost always starts out as “we’re just friends” 99% of the time.

    Ask yourself, how often does your mom hangout with other men alone without your dad?

    Have you never in your life befriended or knew a man who befriended a woman with alterative motives?

    Do you understand that something like 80-90% of affairs start with a “friend” in the workplace? people who cheat don’t generally just go f#$k random people, it usually starts out as “innocent” emotional cheating, deep conversation with someone you trust, that slowly leads to playing with fire, and then “it just happened” someone cheats…it happens every single day! for god sake 50% of marriages end in divorce, upward of 30% of couples have cheated, and 60% have said they’ve had an “emotional affair” and have thought about cheating with an opposite sex friend.

    So what makes you so special? and what gives you the right to judge another man for using common sense and setting boundaries in his relationship?

  20. It depends on the type of friendship.

    Every now and then checking in to see how things are going in their life and with their family? I’ve got a few of those friends of the opposite gender.

    Daily texts and meet ups discussing every little detail of our lives? That to me is weird, I’m keeping that sh!t between my wife and I. If I was single I’m only putting that time and effort into a potential hook-up or relationship.

  21. Had a ton in my early 20s. And I think it’s a good idea. But I did find they tended to fade out as they or I got into more serious relationships later in my 20s.

  22. I have many female friends, two in particular I’ve been really close with for last 14 years or so. My girlfriend doesn’t really have any guy friends she hangs out with regularly, but she doesn’t get jealous and I’ve been very open about our friendship before we started dating (she even thought one was my ex when we first started talking) one lives 3000 miles away now, so I don’t see her often when I do her significant other isn’t normally there but he knows me and likes me, other I rarely see without her husband, I don’t think it’s a trust thing, we just all enjoy hanging out together.

  23. I have female friends.

    My girlfriend has male friends, as well as all my exes before her.

    Nobody has ever been jealous of that.

  24. Lots of good women friends. My wife also has some guy friends, though many are mutual friends of mine.

    Neither of us have ever felt insecure about if we’re hanging out with folks of the opposite sex, including when we’ve met up with exes. We have no need to.

  25. It’s personal, some people don’t like it being cheated on by their partner’s close friends.

  26. None, and if I had a possible partner who did, huge red flag and that’s it I’m out

  27. Almost all of my friends are women. I don’t relate to men very well. I don’t drink, hate sports, I’m not a “dude” or a “bro.” I’m also married. My wife and I have double dated with a couple of my friends and their SOs. There have been a couple of women I’ve been very close to. One to the point that in the interest of full disclosure, I told my wife about her. We exchange “I love you’s” and have had lunch together alone. We connect on an emotional level. We both have pretty severe depression. My wife admits she can’t relate to my feelings, and she’s fine with me talking to someone who can. My wife also has male friends that she works with, and I can’t relate to some of the things she experiences. She used to hang out with one in his office at lunch. I think it’s ridiculous to think that you should have to choose your friends based on gender and everybody assumes that the only reason you’re friends is you hope to have sex with them at some point.

  28. Lol, that sounds insane, there are only 2 types.of humans, woman and man, why can’t you hang out with one of them?

    I would understand if there was 30 types or smith, ye maybe you could avoid one or two to never get in trouble and still have plenty of options.

    PS: Dont come with lgbti propaganda please when i mention the 2 “types”.

  29. That Guy friend is just being manipulate by the “alpha bro man culture” to think having friends of the opposite sex is a bad thing. This is because of the statistical probability that cheating is possible. But that’s obviously ridiculous if you are an actually decent human being.
    Don’t let his insecurities about having women friends affect you if your doing fine with having women friends.

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