I’ve noticed that when building a relationship with most of my prospective partners, male or female, I’ve come to find them more driven by career-success than actually cooperatively playing with their prospective partners to build a healthier bond between two individuals. So, I feel the need to ask you all this question. How important is cooperative play with those you are interested in?

Edit: I feel like I am more of an ‘add-on’ for my career successes than an actual person who can play with them and sharing the ‘joys of life.’ It has really made me jaded about emotional connectivity.

  1. Men are often valued for our roles as protectors and providers, many men have first hand experience with losing status and stability (say losing a job, developing a health condition, suffering from depression or anxiety) and in losing that stability they also lose their partner.

    I’m not entirely sure what you mean by the term “cooperative play,” but I think a lot of guys feel like if we take our eye off the ball we’ll lose the things and people that matter to us.

    Guys are mindful of the fact that we’re eminently replaceable, we need to give people a reason to want us and keep us, if we lose that reason we lose the people, so why risk it? That’s a shitty catch/22, but it is what it is.

  2. >I’ve come to find them more driven by career-success

    Stop dating people who are more career driven than relationship driven

  3. > more driven by career-success than actually cooperatively playing with their prospective partners

    Try dating less career-driven men?

    Unless you’re trying to have it both ways…

    I like the things a career oriented man brings, but I hate he’s always working.

    I like a fit man, but don’t like it when he goes to the gym.

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