I’m sorry if you guys have more serious issues but I’m not close with my parents and can’t really ask them for this type of stuff.

17 years old. Next year I’m graduating high school, and there is this girl who has been my high school crush since last year.

I’ve never gotten the courage to talk to her since I’m not really a guy that falls for girls easily. I’ve only liked one girl in the past and she was a friend of mine but it never came to something.

This girl is just wow to me, we have the same music taste (we have had like two conversations on Instagram but that’s about it), she is the most fashionable girl I’ve ever seen. I love her style even as a guys and she has a big friend group which who she is always laughing and stuff around. She just looks like a very cheerful and energetic person and idk.

I’m graduating next year and she is a year younger than me, we have two friends in common but they don’t know I’m into her.

The issue is that I’m going as an exchange student in 4 month and won’t be in the same country for the next ten years.

Is it worth it to talk to her ? How should I do it ? What do I do if I click with her but then I have to go and not see her for whole ten months

  1. It’s definitely worth it to talk to her more and establish a real friendship. 10 months is nothing honestly and as long as you’re planning to move back into the country you can always pursue something more serious then. Maybe message her on instagram with a band you think she might like and go from there? You didn’t specify which kinda music it is but maybe you can look around to see if there’s any shows or concerts coming up and invite her to go with you? If you don’t do something you’ll regret it, it’s worth a shot.

  2. You have to try to picture yourself in the future. Will you regret it more if you make a move on her and experience the pain and challenges that come with moving or if she rejects you? Or will you regret it more if you don’t make a move, since it would have been good practice and you could perhaps had some good times with her before leaving. 10 months seem like an eternity when you’re your age. But when you’re older it will seem like a short time. Try to live life in a way that minimizes your regrets

  3. If you’re leaving for 10 years, I’d say no, but it doesn’t hurt to talk to her. You can tell her how you feel, but, if she replies in the affirmative, make it VERY clear you’re leaving the country. Who knows, maybe she might be thinking of becoming an exchange student! You’ll never know unless you try. If you fail, it’s ok, and don’t take it too hard! You tried, and that takes…. Guts! 😉

  4. I think talking to her is a good idea, even if it leads nowhere. I’ve always had the mentality that the worst they can do is say no, which is true. If she doesn’t like you back that’s okay and if you don’t want to see her afterwards, you’re moving. If she’s in one of your classes ask if you can walk with her to your next one together, talk about music or whatever common interests you have.

    I’m in university right now and my best friend and her boyfriend got together a month before they both moved. They don’t live overseas from each other, but it’s a 15 hour drive between the two of them. They’ve stayed together for the past 8 months and I really like seeing their relationship grow.

    Essentially what I’m saying is, you have nothing to lose. If she doesn’t like you back, oh well, she wasn’t the one, and if she does, you can make it work. We live in the era of technology so you’re always able to contact people across the globe in minutes. And even if it doesn’t work that’s okay. I’ve had a couple relationships just fizzle out because we both knew it wasn’t going to last long and we shouldn’t waste our time anymore.

  5. Its worse to try and fail then not do it and not learn anything. If this one doesnt work out then there is many other girls to approach.

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