What are some of the things a married wife should not do to her husband?

  1. Make him happy.

    Why should he be the only one.

    Jokes aside, I’m not sure the standard changes when you get married. Just don’t be a dick and it should be good.

    Also does this mean there are wives that aren’t married? I guess that would just be a girlfriend right?

  2. Nag him

    Tell him how to do things especially when he has experience doing something and you do not

    The silent treatmnet (mean and psychologically and emotionally abusive)

    Ask him to do something and then criticize the way he does it

    ***Edit: just thought of one more***

    Make him guess what you are thinking or feeling

  3. Don’t cheat is an obvious one.

    Don’t nag, cuz then you’re the problem.

    Do not talk shit about your husband to or in front of others.
    There’s a difference between constructive criticism when your husband needs it, and making him feel like a piece of shit when the woman who supposedly loves him talks shit about him.

  4. Don’t cheat for starters.

    Don’t belittle, nag or humiliate him. Seems like a no-brainer but the amount of times I’ve heard women belittling their husbands in public is ridiculous.

    There is a lot more but those are what comes to mind right now.

  5. Do not insult, belittle, or demean him. Especially in public. Disagreeing and discussing is fine but do it behind closed doors where it’s nobody’s business.

    Do not betray his trust. Whether this be by being unfaithful, gossiping about him to your friends (who have even less incentive to keep things private), going behind his back to do the things you said you wouldn’t, it doesn’t matter. The second you open that door the hinges come off with it.

    Do not become another burden to deal with when he gets home. No one wants to come home to chaos and anger, so don’t be a source for it.

  6. She shouldn’t divorce him, take half his accumulated wealth, force him to pay alimony, and refuse to let him see his kids on a regular basis. She definitely shouldn’t do that.

  7. I see so many wives in my family who have a difficult time apologizing when they’re wrong and dragging and switching arguments simply because they know the husbands will eventually drop it. Nothing gets fixed that way.

    Another thing is that every little detail of your marriage should remain in your marriage and not shared with the world. Keep your dirt in-house. We don’t need to know all about it.

  8. Remember historical faults and accidents, especially over the good he has done.

    Stick with remembering the good, if you want to stay married.

  9. Say you want to end a marriage amicably and then spend the next five years in court trying to extort ridiculous amounts of money from her husband and his family with no legal entitlement to any of it.

  10. Ignore his need for physical affection because you suddenly developed some insecurity.

  11. Force him to choose between his mother and you.

    Blame him for your mistakes.

    Hold him accountable for your past.

    Compare him to the man in your last relationship.

    Ask, much less coerce or force him to be something he is not.

    Belittle him.

  12. Don’t act like a supervisor at home. Treat him the same way you treated him before marriage.

    Idk how or why it’s so common I see all over Reddit how married women tend to change and become bitter and controlling or manipulative

  13. Demand equality then do 0 house chores while the man works and does house chores.

  14. – Don’t cheat.
    – Don’t shut down intimacy or engage in chore play
    – Don’t engage in having your partner read your mind…communicate
    – Don’t keep yourself from initiating physical touch
    – Don’t stop giving/doing certain sexual acts just because you don’t have to worry about holding on to him because you’re married
    – Don’t let yourself go physical wise
    – Don’t focus all your energy on kids and prioritize them over your husband. Your husband should be prioritized and he should prioritize you so that as a team both are able to care for the kids happily.

  15. Assume he thinks in the same way you think. Men and women are different, and what motivates us, what rewards we value, what bothers us, how we solve things, etc… really are different.

  16. Question or criticize his “manliness” or masculinity. Doesn’t mean any behavior is above criticism, but if the only problem with his behavior is you think it’s not manly, then the actual problem is you.

  17. Vow exclusivity and “in good and bad times until death do us part” when they don’t intend to actually do that would be the first thing that comes to mind. And yes there is abuse but that can only explain a fraction of the 80% divorces initiated by women.

  18. Weaponize sex.

    Invite sexual attention from other men.

    Disrespect him in public.

    Those are bright red lines for me anymore.

  19. Stick a knife where he’s most vulnerable.

    If he opens up to you, never and I repeat never use it as ammunition in an argument. That’s the cruelest thing you could ever do to someone you claim love for.

    Haven’t been married, but I’ve had multiple ex’s who proclaimed love only to hurt me where I’m most fragile.

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