Ok, so it’s exactly as the title describes.

My GF wants me throat-fuck her until she almost/does pass out.

I really like oral and it’s my favorite thing but this seems too much to me.

Has anybody else done this?

is it as dangerous as I think it is?

Should me and her try and if so what precautions should we have in place?

  1. It’s not for amateurs. There is a famous murder case where that was the defense and the jury determined it was accidental death.

    If you are doing this kind of thing, be very mindful of yourself and the timing. Count in your head no more than 7 to 10 seconds before pulling out and letting her get some air. Also make sure her hand is placed in such a way that you know when she’s “tapping out”.

  2. Could be fun I’d error on the safer side and let her breath a little more then that

  3. It’s a little much.

    Precautions: Do this with her kneeling and you standing with room for you to back off. If at any time “the lights go out” BACK OFF IMMEDIATELY. This means if she goes limp, sags, looks in ANY WAY like she’s lost consciousness.

    Take a CPR class. Hell, do that regardless of whether you go down this road or not. It could save a loved one’s life some day[1]

    Jujitsu players routinely do blood chokes to unconsciousness, but they’re trained to do it, and even then sometimes people get hurt.

    [1] Well, not “save” their life, just prolong it a little.

  4. “This seems too much to me” sounds like 1) you don’t want to do it, and 2) frankly making someone go unconscious from throatfucking them puts YOU at legal risk, is she aware of all the implications of this? 3) if she passes out, and has trouble waking up, how will you navigate calling for help? Will you be brave enough to get help after causing her harm with your body this way when it wasn’t your idea in the first place? There is potential for a LOT of resentment here.

    Is it worth the risk?

  5. If it’s not something that you’re comfortable with and don’t want to do, don’t do it. Lots of other posters have given some really great reasons as to why you shouldn’t, so what I’ll suggest instead are alternatives that may help her get the feeling that she’s looking for without taking you too far out of your comfort zone.

    When you’re fucking her throat, lean your body in closer over her so that she feels more closed in to achieve that helpless feeling or let your fingers rest lightly over her nose; not to plug it, you still want her to be able to get air but it will make the intake less and help feed into the illusion. You can also simply use words and talk to her while you’re doing it. ‘You like choking on my dick?’ ‘You can’t breath, can you kitten?’ or whatever her preferred endearment is. Talking about it, even if it isn’t actually being done can stimulate her psychologically when you’re just normally fucking her throat and help build into her fantasy without endangering her.

    Breath play, which is what this ultimately boils down to is extremely dangerous though there are certainly people out there who enjoy it, myself most thoroughly included but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t risks. Instead of relying on a tap out of the hand, maybe get her a small bell that she can hold and then drop, if it gets to be too much. Something that can’t happen by accident. Ultimately, be informed and careful, regardless of the route that you decide to take.

  6. Face fucking is one of my biggest kinks too. It’s something my boyfriend and I do pretty regularly. One thing he likes to do is put it down my throat where I’m unable to breathe and he likes to see how long he can hold it there. He will usually hold it just long enough that it gets uncomfortable and I start to struggle as my body wants to breathe and by the time he lets me up, I’m usually gasping for air.

    I don’t really want to “pass out” and I trust him that won’t let that happen, but I just enjoy the lack of control and no breathing. The longer he holds it, the better it feels when he lets me up. We’ve done this many times and there’s never been any issue.

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