Do you see them as attractive or too much? Of course everyone is different. Does it make you more sexually interested in someone with their nails done or done a bit extra?

  1. They look stupid. I call them unemployment nails, and tell my daughters don’t get them. You look like you can’t do anything useful with them.

  2. I like when girls do their nails…but not when they are so long you wonder how she gets anything done. Can you go bowling? How do you type on a keyboard? How do you wipe your ass with those things? Etc. At that point, it’s a few steps past obnoxious.

  3. Are we talking about those long fake nails with unique designs on them and you just attach them on? If yes, that is actually a turn off for me.

  4. Personally I like short to medium-short nails if they are decorated. Medium or long nails are not attractive to me.

  5. I think it looks rather bad.

    If natural, normal length nails are painted in some cute way, it can look great. But those long, artificial claws attached to fingers just seem weird to me, and not weird in a good way.

  6. My wife goes to the nail salon every 2 weeks, but she also works in the construction field. Her nails are very tastefully done but kept short.

    I don’t understand how some women can wipe with the nails they have.

  7. I have never not once found myself attracted to someone because of their fingernails.

    I have however found myself turned off by big gaudy nails.

    If your goal is to attract men, then all they can do is hurt. If your goal is simply to make yourself happy, then do whatever you want.

  8. Hate it, all I can think about is how unsanitary those things have to be. Instant nope to any girl that has then from me.

  9. I fucking hate them its so repulsive… I do like short nails with polish though…

  10. They are too much imho. Anything more than a basic trim and polish I get put off.

  11. I like relatively short, manicured/ painted nails on a girl…

    I’d pass on long nails.

  12. I love how males view this as unanimously hideous, and yet women everywhere have them lol

    What’s the disconnect here? They do it for other women I assume?

    Yes, I hate them with a passion.

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