My mom and I used to be so close. She used to be my favorite person to hang out with. Sometime during the pandemic it changed. She started getting under my skin I guess and I became abrasive to her. It persists a bit, although I feel like it’s gotten better. But regardless it’s not like before.

I’m not sure how to fix this. I think it might be my own insecurities of thinking she places judgement on me (still being single, she’s generally very opinionated, etc). I’m actually really not sure what it is. Maybe I’m unhappy and putting it on her. Maybe it’s that she can be a bit overbearing and judgmental and it hurts/angers me. Either way, she’s now constantly judging my “bad attitude” – even notes it when she feels I do it with others – and it hurts. It feels almost self-fulling now and like a bad cycle.

I’m not sure what to do.

\[TL;DL\] My relationship with my mom used to be my favorite one. Now it’s gotten bad and I’m not sure how to fix it. Even when I feel like it’s better, she makes me feel like it’s still bad.

  1. It seems like the communication has become muddled in the relationship a bit. I wouldn’t think that would be a reason to call it irreparable tho.

    Why not read her everything you wrote here? Your post does a great job of articulating what you are feeling while also exploring possible reasons on both sides of the issue. I think it would be a good step towards getting on the same page about what’s going on

  2. Maybe a bit of distance is in order. Staying home for so long messed up a lot of relationships with too much togetherness.

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