Hello everyone. Please don’t mind if I come across as naive person.

I recently met someone and kinda started dating her. We are talking about get married and stuff.
While getting to know her, I(30 M)discovered something when she started to talk about sex. She is 28 years old and had been into relationships before but never had penetrative sex. She mentioned me that if we get married she would take almost an year to be ready for PiV sex(and ofc no anal). She says that she is okay with everything else we do during that time. She says that she fears sex as in she can’t imagine something going inside of her vagina. I asked her out of curiosity that she never pleasures herself to which she replied that she never done that before.

So here I am seeking answers and deeper insights to this issue. What could be the remedy of it ? I trust her don’t get me wrong. I need help understanding and making her feel less anxious about it.
I can wait but what if she never gets over her fear ?
All advices are welcome. Thank you and forgive my bad english.

1 comment
  1. Does she have some close female friends? She should speak with gynologist.Check if she has some severe disease.Get her througoughly checked.

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