Basically I’d like to be pegged, and may or may not own a dildo.

I have brought up the idea of pegging with her before and she hasn’t been fully open or fully closed.

I’d like some advice on how I could bring it up with her, and try and get her more open to the idea, as she has said she isn’t fully closed off, it’s just a bit different to our usual sex life, as i’m usually the dominant one, but I would really like to start experimenting in this realm with her, as I have experimented on my own and want to introduce her to this side of me.

I’d also like to bring up the fact I own a dildo if it would be worth it, but am not too sure how to, as I’d love for her to use it on me.

Any advice is welcomed.


I’m male for context.

  1. Be blunt. Bring it up outside of the bedroom when the mood is chill. Just tell her, “Hey, remember how I mentioned pegging before? Well, I’ve already been using a dildo on myself and really like it. It would mean a lot to me if you were willing to try it with me.”

  2. Get drunk with her. Fool around. Blame it on the alcohol.

    Ok no for real just tell her, if you only see her as a gf.

    If you see a future with her (wife,kids) maybe hold off until you are certain she won’t cut n run when she finds out what u rly into loll

    But ultimately in the end you gonna have to tell 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. There’s a podcast recorded by a lady (/u/rubyryder) for the ladies, which explain very well why a man would enjoy pegging. This podcast has been very successful changing the minds of women that are reluctant to try pegging due to myths and misconceptions.

    I sent it to my wife and it worked, we peg regularly ever since.

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