It was my brother’s birthday yesterday. I gave him a phone call and wished him a good day.

When I got off the phone, I wondered if I should send him something and I decided not to. He’s the kind of person that has everything at his age and anything he wants, he or his wife will buy.

It led me to think about how I don’t really want gifts for my birthday or during the holidays. It also feels like a chore sometimes to find a gift for someone because of a birthday/christmas.

  1. In all honesty, taking the time out of your day to wish someone happy birthday, is already a gift in itself.

  2. I like to randomly surprise my close friends with tickets to shows and other events. For example, one time I was hanging with my buddy and surprised him with tickets to go see Dave Chapelle.

  3. I really don’t like receiving gifts. I love giving them to kids. I’m about 90% of the way to convincing my family (sister and mom) that we should just be with each other on Christmas and direct any gifts towards the kids (children, nieces/nephews, grandkids).

  4. hate it.. I tell people to ignore me because thats what i want… one day i get gifts on my birthday and now i have to deal with all these other birthdays through the year. When i was a kid, gifts were a big deal but very very rarely as an adult.. its a scam by retailers!! LOL..

  5. i don’t want gifts. I feel bad for getting rid of them later because I don’t use them.

  6. I like giving gifts but it has to be a good idea.
    So walk/browse by something and think. Hey thats something for ….

    If it becomes a must I don’t like it.

    And I’m not so good at receiving gift. Don’t like that.

  7. I’d get a gift for an SO or a gift/fancy dinner for my parents but I kinda end it there. I don’t want anything from anyone, and I don’t want to owe anyone a gift back (or get invited to their kids birthday party so that I have to bring something). We’re all adults now, let’s let capitalism do it’s thing.

  8. Don’t buy me shit. If I want it I’ll go buy it myself. Would rather spend time with a person. Sit down have some pulled pork or brisket and sides a few drinks and good conversation.

  9. I think as you get older you realize that time truly is the biggest gift you can give someone and vice versa. Material things become less important and it’s the time spent together that is the true gift.

  10. I’m 70 so I not only have all the stuff I want, I’m trying to get rid of stuff. Give me a gift card or make a donation in my name–all very cool–even better, spend some time with me.

  11. Just a girl here, but I just like to be wished a happy birthday. Its just nice to know someone remembered and took the time out of their day to say it to me. I dont want gifts

  12. Your time is the greatest gift someone can give to me, whether that be a quick call/text, dinner, movie, anything inexpensive. Stuff or tangible item/gifts do not really make me happy. Grateful yet, happy no. As I’ve gotten older, I rather give than receive. I have everything I want – a roof over my head, a bed, food, a mini computer (iPhone) in my pocket, my car & my health.

  13. My wife and I ask each other what gift we want so we don’t end up not using them.

    A surprise or two every now and then is fun and appreciated.

  14. I don’t want gifts, haven’t really wanted gifts since I was probably 16 or so. I also hate the obligation of having to give others gifts.

    I love to spend time with people and do fun things on special moments and special days but the whole yardstick-measuring with gift giving is straight up bullshit

  15. Unless you have an agreement about gifts a call is cream of the crop. Texts are great too, especially if it’s as soon as they wake up or at midnight. People just want to know you know and care.

    I send my adult friends videos of me obnoxiously singing them happy birthday. It’s a great gift.

  16. idgaf about gifts, it feels shallow to me personally. but other people experience love through gifts which is perfectly fine.

  17. A gift doesn’t necessarily need a purpose. It’s something showing that you think about and care for them. Nowadays I tend to gift consumables, cards with some written words, or gag gifts like a toiletry bag with travel-size lotion bottles and tissue paper.

  18. I just invite family and friends over for a BBQ. I made my birthday a time to give gifts instead of receive them. I can buy my own stuff. So can my friends and family. But if they gift me their presence, I will cook them a meal.

  19. I love it now that I can finally afford it. I tend to go a little crazy on the gift giving.

  20. i will give a walmart coupon, and i would be a lot happy if you just give me a amazon gift card. you dunno what i actually need.

    just take time and with someone happy birthday. i know a lot who just like to spend the day themselves. just like me.

  21. I’m actively trying to reduce the amount of stuff in my house. Not a fan of gifts that I’ll probably not use.

  22. I hate, wish a passion, getting gifts for birthdays etc. this makes it a bit hard for me to want to give gifts. Generally, if I want something (more like need) I just buy it and don’t need a special occasion. Same goes for my wife. Kids are a bit different, they can wait and build up anticipation.

  23. The 5 Love Languages is relevant book:

    We all give and receive love in 5 different ways:

    * words of affirmation

    * acts of service

    * receiving gifts

    * quality time

    * physical touch

    These are called ‘love languages’ – a concept created by Dr. Gary Chapman through his long-time work as a marriage counsellor.

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