I’ve been living in my small home town for my entire life and it’s time for me to move. I’m a single 30yo female and would love to move somewhere I enjoy and hopefully find a potential long term partner. As a side note, I’m into interracial dating. I work from home and really have a lot of flexibility with my schedule, I’m athletic and love to travel.

I like Arizona and Florida due to the weather. I actually enjoy humidity more than dry heat bc of the skin benefits lol but Arizona seems to have more to offer for things to do.

I’d love to be somewhere with diversity, and my home town is mainly white people and I’ve been single for over 6 years being here. I’ve considered Chicago, just hate how cold it gets.

Any suggestions and information / advice is highly appreciated.

  1. As long as the place you move to has a decent population for your age group and the cost of living is ridiculous, it should be fine.

    It would be better for us if you had a list of places you were considering and we could narrow it down from there.

  2. Move to where I live. I’ll guarantee you one guy who would date you, sight unseen 🙃

  3. If you can pick a city with lots of blue collar work. Think industry, mining, oil/gas, etc. For better or worse lots of professions like those are still male dominated, and you’d have no shortage of men to pick from!

    Conversely, you’d have a tougher time in super cosmopolitan cities where lots of professional young women flock to. I’m thinking New York specifically, though I’m sure a few others would count too.

  4. AZ isn’t that bad, just dry heat. If you don’t mind the traffic Cali is a great place and can find semi affordable rentals. Utah ain’t bad either just a little slower. Texas is okay, a state I’d avoid. But for the humid weather Florida is your best bet. Best of luck hope it helped

  5. I was going to say NYC but then saw you don’t like the cold. If it makes you feel better,I also hate the cold but you learn to live with it.

    Out of the places you mentioned,I would say you’d like Arizona more. Tampa is ok. You mentioned you’re into interracial dating though,wouldn’t recommend the south or Red states in general though but I’m sure you can find something within those states.

  6. san San Diego La miami dallas houston austin are places where it’s on the hotter climate

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