It seems like I’m the only one trying hard to keep the tread of our friendship. I’m really afraid of losing it. I miss that comfort, those memories. It’s not that I can’t make new friends but I’m afraid maybe if I lose this they will be lost forever, And forever means forever, I really don’t want to lose them. I try my best to tighten the thread but it feels like I’m the only one who is trying. The rest of them are so busy with their lives that our friendship doesn’t really hold any value anymore. But in the end, It hurts so much.

  1. As a famous internet philosopher said “Try to use the threads to make a rope and then it won’t break break so easy”

  2. Stop initiating conversations and meetings until they reach out first. If they won’t, then it’s over

  3. Can’t force people to stay in your life, you have to let go in order for new people to come, you’ll see who really deserve you. And you figure that out by not always being the first to make a move.

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