What is the dumbest thing you do because you heard it was good for you?

  1. Thought of this while trying to brush my teeth with my non dominant hand bc I heard it was good for your brain 🙃🙃

  2. Exercise.

    Not because it’s particularly dumb, but because it’s the only thing I really do specifically because it’s supposed to be good for me.

  3. Learn how to cook and you’ll find a wonderful man one day! *courtesy of my Nan who was like 90 at the time. She meant well. Bless her*

  4. Lay on the floor with my legs up the wall for 20 minutes a day. It sounds super dumb, but it does make me feel relaxed and relieved of stress, so I think I’ll keep doing it.

  5. As a body conscious teenager drinking lemon water because I was told it would detox my body and make me fit/toned 🥲

  6. avoid standing in front of the microwave while it’s on, bc when I was kid I was told that it could hurt you if you did. but that lowkey could have been a way to get me not to stand so close to the microwave lol

  7. Going to college. It turned out ok, but it and my career are so much stress. Maybe I should have been a plumber.

  8. Turn the water to freezing cold for one second before getting out of the shower.

    Dumb because the other 10 minutes of the shower is scolding hot water

  9. Replace all my drinks with diet/sugar free alternatives, I still gained weight..

  10. I used to not eat carbs and only eat within a tiny window of time. Stupid AF

  11. I never say I’m bored because I’m middle school I heard it takes time off your life. I know it’s bs but it makes me find something to do.

  12. I read somewhere that eating a clove of garlic once a day is healthy. I think I was doing it on an empty stomach too. Anyways, immediately after chewing and swallowing I would get extremely dizzy/sick/hot. I did this for like a week straight thinking I would get use to it. Probably not the dumbest thing I have ever done but I always wonder why I thought it was a good idea to keep trying after such a bad reaction.

  13. Recently stopped drying my face after washing with a towel. It’s fairly soaked everytime but I fan my face until it air dries enough. Heard there was bacteria on my towel that would negatively affect my face and I have some acne so I wanted to give it a try.

  14. Ok this is also a cultural superstition but at night we walk in the house backward. I do. Cause the ancestors would want me too lol

  15. The only thing that comes to mind is I used to use stretch mark cream after I lost weight.. I was talking to my friend one day and he was like, “Dude, that shit doesn’t do anything. You just have to accept and love your new body you worked hard for.” And thus, I used up the rest of it and stopped buying that cream lol.

  16. I switched to a natural shampoo bar. Read the directions and heard about the waxy feeling as the healthy shampoo detoxes your hair of all the manufactured unnatural chemicals. Spent a summer with stiff, waxy, dirty-feeling hair then decided it was worth it to switch back to the chemicals if it meant I looked and felt clean and comfortable.

  17. Didn’t sleep on my left side, for most of my childhood, because I heard, on a popular sitcom, someone say it was bad for the heart.

  18. Put wild oregano oil under my tongue, undiluted. I heard it wards off sickness and I was on a cruise ship.

    I didn’t get sick. A lot of people did (norovirus swept through the passengers, there was vomit on stairwells and shit in the hallways) but still, it’s really not good to swallow undiluted essential oils.

  19. I put a clove of garlic up my vagina for thrush… it was a bank holiday and no pharmacies were open and I was suffering. I realised I had no way to get it out… but wait until it passed

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