Whose never been the dumped but always the dumper? How do you feel about it?

  1. The irony is that even when i was in the wrong, i was the dumper. I feel indifferent honestly

  2. I got dumped in high school, but we were barely dating to begin with. Ever since then, I’ve always been the dumper.

    What can I say? I grow and work on my personal problems. The guys I date don’t. I leave when I outgrow them. And I give them absolutely every opportunity to give me what I want, and will help them in any way they need. But you can’t make someone do what they don’t want to do.

  3. I’ve always been the person willing to walk away and there’s nothing wrong with that.

  4. Pretty good actually. I get a good feeling just thinking about it. Except for one of them, he was caring and nice and had that golden retriever personality and could tell you what any bird or tree was. He was awesome and I’m sad I had to end things but the others can go suck a lemon.

  5. I’ve always been the dumper.

    I feel alright about it. Sometimes I think I just got in before they did.

  6. Depended on the person I ended things with.

    A couple I felt sorry about because they were lovely guys…we just weren’t compatible enough.
    They didn’t do anything wrong & noone likes to hurt an innocent person’s feelings. You can’t live your life sacrificing your happiness for someones interim sadness though, so it was what it was.

    The rest were very casual & I generally felt nothing or relief.

    They was all very temporary feelings & I certainly didn’t dwell on it. There was no angst. When I’m done, I’m generally done

  7. I mean, I’m not planning on keeping something that is not working for me, nothing wrong with that

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