I guess this will be my first rant but, like why is it so hard to date nowadays. I mean I’m only 24 but, whether it’s dating apps, social media , or in person ? It’s a fucking wrap. Nobody wants to go on dates anymore or actually be in a relationship. Everyone just wants to get laid 😩😩. I want to feel like it’s a movie. Like, was it this hard in the 80s-90s ? I know most will say enjoy my life at 24. That’s cute and all but, being a young woman with needs ? It’s kind of hard.

That’s it that’s all :). Good Thursday everyone!

  1. Can absolutely relate to this, 26M and I just don’t bother now… Basically waiting till I hit like 30 or so.

    I’m a decent looking fella, at least I think so… The whole thing is just exhausting.

  2. Hate to break it to you but dating in your 30s comes with its own sets of issues. You have your own baggage, and so do other people. You’re rarely as optimistic. You learn fast that all the “good” guys and girls are all taken.

    I’ve not really dated in my 20s, so no idea what it would have been like. But from what I’ve heard, its never easy putting yourself out there. It does however seem that the digital era brings with it more issues than in the past. You’re able to connect with more people but to connect with a decent match is incredibly hard.

    Don’t give up!

  3. I’m only 35, so my young dating scene was in the late 2000’s, 2010’s and it was hard then too. Dating is hard in general. Not to mention, the younger generations (mine included) are doing the serious relationship thing less and less.

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