Right now I’m a boring person. I don’t watch movies/tv series or play games like most people do. I’m also poor. The worst of all is I don’t have hobbies. Like seriously, I cannot consistently be hooked to something whether it’s for leisure or productivity.

I realized that these hinder me from making friends. Perhaps I should sacrifice and change at least one of those. How about you? Have you sacrificed something to have more friends?

Oh and let’s be specific if possible. Time and introversion are pretty vague sacrifices.

  1. Personally, I have had to make peace with sacrificing aspects of my personality, but not for more friends, really just to prevent misunderstandings. As for hobbies, I have come to appreciate when others do things I find impressive, but not pursue my interests on my own. I had to let things go so I would not be ‘disruptive’.

  2. It isn’t necessary to be knowledgeable or filled with hobbies in order to make friends. My friends have hobbies but we don’t necessarily share them or talk about them. (Exception: if you’re trying to MEET people, then having a hobby can be useful for that.) But in general hobbies tend to NOT be topics, so you don’t need it to have great conversations or friendships.

    Friendship is all about ATTITUDE and VIBE. It’s about taking an interest in other people, sharing a bit about yourself, and enjoying each other’s company.

    WHAT you say is far less important than HOW you say it. So go in there with positivity, with interest in the other person, with WARMTH and with some social energy, and you will do fine.

    The sacrifice you need to make is practicing this and getting out of your comfort zone.

    Good luck!

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