Sometimes it feels like everyone has their own circle of friends sitting and having lunch together or hanging out and you just feel left out. What would you do in this situation?

I feel like I’m pretty confident in other social situations outside of school, but always feel self conscious talking to other people as I feel like they may not be open to meet new people? Perhaps because they’re worried that adding a new person will kind of ruin the flow of their current circle if that makes any sense.

What have you found based on your experience that has worked for you?

1 comment
  1. I went ‘away’ to college, it was about 3.5 hours from where I grew up, so I knew no one at the school.
    My roommate and I didn’t click so I had to force myself to meet and talk to new people.
    It could be really awkward but I’d just force myself to talk to people from class, I’d ask them a question about the class (even if I already knew) just as an ice breaker and it’d usually kick off a conversation.
    It honestly felt like ‘work’ a lot of the time, and there definitely were ‘clicks’ but it was worth it to have people to hang out with during lunch and on the weekends

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