I rented an apt for 18 mths via an agency who was repping the landlord. All good during the tenancy, left the place clean etc etc. Now I’m asking for a reference for my renting history and to be able to share it with future rentals. The agency are being really awkward saying oh just tell the new landlord/agency to get in touch when you find a place and we’ll provide a ref. But I want a hard copy for my own reference.

Has anyone dealt with this before? Seems odd

  1. If you had your own copy, you could just doctor it to say anything you want. That’s why the new landlord contacts the referee directly.

  2. That doesn’t seem odd. That’s how references normally work – when you apply to rent a property, you provide the details of your current/previous landlord who sends the reference to your new/prospective landlord.

  3. That’s how references work, just supply the details of the agency and they’ll contact them if they need a reference.

  4. As others have said, that’s exactly how references work, both for renting and when applying for jobs. If you had your own copy to hand in, there’s nothing stopping you either doctoring it or just writing a completely fictitious one. Completely standard for the landlord to contact the agency themselves, you usually just provide their details.

  5. Never know a letting agent give a written reference, it’s normally just a chat on the phone to the people asking for a reference. Other letting agents won’t accept a letter as it could have been written by you, so it’s worthless. You want something in writing they will probably want to charge you for their time and effort

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