So I’m very selective with who I choose to be friends with. I primary only choose to associate myself with those who treat me as the center of attention and laugh at all my jokes. I don’t really care too much about forming a genuine emotional bond with the person/people. My only concern is that they find me amusing. It seems like nobody else thinks this way except me, so would you say this is normal?

  1. “It seems like nobody else thinks this way except me, so would you say this is normal?”

    I feel you answered your own question right here.

  2. You’re not looking for friends. You’re looking for an audience.

    Friendship is different for people. I am friends with people who care for me and I for them. This is contingent around my feeling inherently good around them.

    Nevertheless, while your situation is abnormal, as long as you don’t hurt anyone non consensually, then it’s okay.

  3. I totally understand the desire to be heard, and I think that is something we all want, in one way or another. However, always wanting to be the center of attention is a very selfish and self centered way of thinking which is off putting to a lot of people! Everyone deserves a turn in the spot light. Not just one person.

    That’s how healthy dynamics between friends work. I’m not saying any of this to judge you in any way. I see the good in people! I’m just telling you the truth about this way of thinking because I want you to be happy and make genuine friends who will love you for you!

    However, those things will never happen with that attitude and mind set. I’m no therapist and would never try to pass myself off as one. I’m just a being blunt and honest because I care and I’m sure you have a lot to offer! Also try to find ways to make YOURSELF happy. Do something for yourself now and then. Get into a hobby or activity that brings you that happiness! All in all, your happiness is up to you! I hope you find it!

  4. It’s entirely normal if you’re a high-functioning sociopath. A lot of people here are calling you a narcissist, a label much overused nowadays. The thing is, narcissists are extremely brittle and fragile (which is why they tend to completely lose their shit when they feel the least bit slighted) and in need of constant and endless reassurance of their “excellence” (which is why they brag and preen endlessly and demand the adulation of everybody around them). In short, Instagram personalities tend to fall into this category.

    You, on the other hand, don’t seem particularly needy and your desire to have somebody around you who laughs at your jokes and places you at the center of attention strikes me as more of a desire for a good old-fashioned toady, as opposed to an unquenchable thirst for validation.

    So congratulations: you’re not a narcissist! You’re a sociopath! Go to wall street (or the City of London if you’re a Brit); you’ll do great there.

  5. Damn dude, not normal at all, not that it would make it anymore normal, but you wouldn’t want a genuine emotional bond, and be the center of attention? Genuine emotional bond is the best part of any friendship or relationship, but yeah sounds like your ego is very fragile snd needs to be built up from everyone around you, sadly reading these comments will probably sting, but its stuff you need to here to be a good person, what you described above is not a good person

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