My wife loves fresh flowers. She thinks they look nice, smell good, and brighten our home.

With this in mind, every Monday on my way to my office, I stop by Whole Foods to purchase the [Goodness Bouquet](, a weekly rotating bouquet of flowers for $14.39 (with my prime membership).

I bring a [5-Gallon Plastic General Bucket]( when purchasing the flowers. I ask the Whole Foods Florist to put the flowers and some water in the bucket, as the flowers will be in my car for the rest of the day.

When I get home after work, I toss out the flowers from last week (yes, [the flowers easily last a week]( and put the new flowers in a pitcher in our kitchen.

After a couple of weeks, my wife asked me why I was buying flowers. I responded by parroting her, saying that the flowers look nice, smell good, and brighten our home.

I know it’s a little thing, but the weekly flowers have noticeably improved my wife’s mental well-being and, importantly, her disposition toward me. Plus, it only costs less than $15.00!

**Pro Tip: Every Monday, go to** [**Whole Foods**](**,** [**Trader Joe’s**](**, or any store along your morning commute and buy a bouquet of flowers. Put the flowers in a container in your kitchen or heavily-trafficked area of your home. REPEAT.**

  1. If your wife is like me and has a cat who will eat the flowers, do another nice thing for her at a regular interval.

  2. I think this is nice, but flowers will only last three days… I have a brown thumb. So I prefer this money to be going towards debt so we can finally go on our honeymoon.

  3. This is super nice, and I appreciate the effort on your part. Well done.

    I just want to say that my wife doesn’t give a shit about flowers lol. She would rather spend time together and save the money.

  4. My pro tip on this is that often times grocery stores have very affordable and solid bouquets of roses. I swear if dudes new how affordable they are, everyone’s girl would get more flowers

  5. I do not care about flowers, but my fiancé keeps the house full of them on a weekly basis. What I appreciate is that he thinks about me when I’m not around and makes this and other efforts to make sure I know that he finds me incredibly special. Obviously the feeling is mutual! (I’m not married yet but love this sub)

  6. I think even more importantly than the flowers is that you’re putting them out in display and getting rid of the old ones. You’re getting her something you know she likes and not making her do the work for it. Very sweet! The little things really do matter, and I’m happy that it’s making your wife happy too 🥰

  7. There’s a local flower farm to us that doesinthly flower subscriptions so you get a bouquet a week. We can’t always afford them but when we get the subscription I love it so much! It’s nice having something pretty around, and I like that it supports our community (:

  8. $15 on grocery store flowers seems a little pricey. Aren’t you a fried if you do it every week it loses its meaning? At least change the bouquets up a little so it’s actually special.

  9. This is awesome. I have had a very similar convo with my husband about why I buy fresh flowers each week and I’d be so thrilled if he did what you’re doing. It shows you’ve heard her and want to do something thoughtful just because. Guys, it really is this easy!!!

  10. Pro Tip for wives – give your husband a BJ weekly

    it’s free and your husband will love you

  11. I am one of those who loves flowers. They do cheer me up.

    My husband bought me three bouquets on my last birthday. Lol
    He also regularly buys bouquet when he does grocery at times or goes to nurseries for getting some plants.
    But I was not liking wasting so much money and then we throw away the flowers so he planted flowers in a patch where I can see them from kitchen window and breakfast nook. I usually just sit and read book in breakfast arr and enjoy those flowers now.

  12. So – an item my wife had mentioned during counseling was that she’d love for me to buy flowers more often…well, i did…

    It wasn’t weekly, but as soon as the old ones started to turn, i replaced them with new ones. The thank you for me standing in the kitchen and cutting stems (wasn’t buying them in vases as we already have too many) slowly began to trickle…eventually in a counseling session my wife said “i liked it when you bought flowers for special occasions, now it’s just too – normal”.

    So now, i have to occasionally buy flowers, but not too often, and…not to infrequently…somewhere right in the middle. Uhhhhhhhh….sure.

  13. So nice to read something that isnt abuse, toxicity or cheating in here for once. Need more of the happy healthy married people to share the good more often I think!

  14. Here’s another pro tip. Have some nail/spa day gift cards on deck if you ever get the “I don’t feel appreciated” talk. BAM! Pop it out, feel all the love.

  15. That’s sooo lovely of you to do for your wife😍!! How old are you both? For how long have you been together and married? Are you both happily married? I looove flowers!!💐I wish I had an husband with these treats.. I’ve been begging my current boyfriend for flowers since we started dating 2-3 months ago, but I still got nothing.. not even a Valentine’s Day gift. What do you think?

  16. Cool and all but thats gets old after the second week. Depends on the person. Comes off more genuine when it done randomly and unexpected. And it have to be something a wife likes. Not all wifed like flowers

  17. My dad used to do this! He’d stop by the grocery store every Friday to buy my mom flowers for the kitchen table. It didn’t “lose its meaning” because seeing them was a tangible daily reminder that he loved her.

  18. Pro Tip for my husband: I’ll divorce you if you do this.

    -Partner with severe asthma.

  19. Good for you. I don’t get flowers weekly but I do try to pick up fresh ones a couple of times per month. One thing I won’t do is buy flowers for Valentine’s Day, that just feels so cliché, like you put no thought into it at all. Random surprise flowers are much better.

    Re: pro tip, Costco has great flower bouquets as well. I used to get them from Trader Joe’s pretty regularly but I’ve found that the quality of their flowers has dropped significantly.

  20. Protip… Hell no.

    60$ a month or more is not worth it to me or my wife. Fresh flowers are nice, but that is a hefty price tag to a lot of the world for something completely unnecessary. Even worse in today’s economy where so many people are struggling.

    I would much rather find other ways to show appreciation for my wife that are both cheaper and perhaps involve some of my time instead of my money.

  21. I don’t EVERY week because I try to surprise my wife with them at her job and everything, so it’s more like twice monthly or so for me, but she loves it nonetheless, so agreed!

  22. You told us she likes flowers but from her response you gave us it seems she is tired of your constant flowers!
    Flowers should never be constant anyway !!!

  23. You gotta be careful with flowers if you have pets in the home. Which we do.

    I’m type 2 diabetic, so sugar has to be very sparingly enjoyed. But dark chocolate is my favorite. Which is why my hubs makes sure there’s always a small stash

    Beer or wine, sure.. but we have that at home.

    My love language is time/ touch and music.

    The # gift my husband gets me is music in various forms. CD’s, tapes and records.
    Bad mood = music
    Birthday= music
    Christmas = music
    It’s the 23rd Tuesday of the year= music.
    You just gotta find the right niche for your spouse.
    My husband’s love laugh is touch, touch and crown royal.

  24. Here’s a add-on to this tip if they’re like me!

    I love to garden, so instead of buying me cut flowers that will wilt in a week, my fiancé gets me a small potted plant, which are usually cheaper, or close to the same price. My absolute favorite plant is a small cactus he got me for my birthday the first year we were together. We’re coming up on 4 years, the cactus is 5x it’s original size, and still one of my favorite gifts I’ve ever received from him (:

  25. So many negative Nancy’s in the comments.
    Everyone’s situation is different, not everyone enjoys flowers. The point is, find something that you can do just to show some extra appreciation. For no reason other then you want to!!

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