You meet your 13 years old self and you’re allowed to say 3 words. What do you say?

  1. Buy, hold, bitcoin.

    Would have spent like. 20, 50, 100$ when I first heard about it, only for it to become stupidly high after several years.

  2. Learn Jiu-Jitsu.

    I’ve heard it talked up a bunch to the point my 47yo self is ready.

  3. Invest in bitcoin.

    I was gonna say “don’t join navy” bug if I invested thousands into bitcoin I probably wouldn’t have joined the navy in the first place.

  4. Quit



    Not like 13 year old me would listen to anything or anyone, even myself, anyways.

  5. Don’t have kids.

    Mental illness is very, very hereditary. I wish I had known that when I had kids. I would never wish my struggles onto someone else and here I am, watching my teenage daughter self-destruct just like I did. The only difference is that there’s a fuck ton more support for mental health in 2023 than there was in 1980 – still nowhere near enough, but a whole lot more.

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