So I’m 17 and I have a job that pays £9.50 an hour, I do 5-10 hours per week, this month I did about 25 hours plus last month I wasn’t paid for another 20 hours due to “missing the payroll cutoff date”. Today I got paid for both months, it’s £190. Is this correct? Who do I talk to about this?? This is my first job and I have no idea how to go about this but I only get paid £190 every time even though I work way more hours.

  1. It sounds like you’re being paid a salary rather than per hour. I would raise a case with payroll/HR to see how they came to the figure.

  2. There are cut off dates for pay as obviously the company needs to process all the payments and send them out, so if you’re paid on the 28th your cut off date could be the 24th, anything earned past that date would go in the next wage packet.

    Are you working retail/4 week pay? That’s where it’s most common.

    But again anywhere with overtime if your cut off is the 24th you won’t get your 25th day wage until your next month’s pay. It company specific depending how they manage payroll and how long it takes them to do it.

    I worked at Tesco and our cut off date was 6 days before payday or something.

  3. There is no reason that your wage would be capped at £190 per month.

    Have you checked you payslip? Look at hour many hours you’ve been paid for. If you are on a contract for so many hours a week anything over that should be listed as overtime. If you are on a zero hour contract it should have your total number of hours. Get your old schedules and check what hours you worked on which weeks and when the pay cut off is. Don’t let them rip you off!

  4. You’re never too young to join a trade union and it sounds like it might be a good idea.

  5. There is no such rule. I think their “explanation” means that the final 20 hours will be paid in the next pay cheque. Most companies pay you slightly in arrear, and that is what they are calling the cut-off date. If the company has a human resources or payroll section, ask them waht it all means; you should get a sensible response.

  6. Are you absolutely sure 100% they aren’t paying you NMW for a 17 year old? that amount wouldn’t be that far away from what you got paid, without a wage slip to know exact hours it’s hard to exactly pin point but I got a feeling that’s what’s happening.

    Only reason I’m questioning that is you mention £9.50 which is NMW for 23 and over and if they’re paying NMW, quite a few companies will get younger people so they can to save on wages.

  7. Sounds like you work for a load of arseholes mate.

    Do you have a contract of employment?

    (The thing you signed when you first started work?)

    Contact HMRC and raise the query on with them.

    You will get the Em tax back at some point so I wouldn’t worry about that, though it is irritating.

    Another thing to remember is you can ALWAYS get another job. Never stand for that utter rubbish employers tell you about, “You won’t find anywhere that does as much for its employees as us,” and all the other nonsense. At the end of the day, you exchange a fair days work for a fair days pay. If they don’t think you are being fair they can get rid of you but if you don’t think they are being fair you can get rid of them!

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