We’ve been together going on 8 years. I’ve noticed lately (the past few weeks) every time I talk to my boyfriend or vent to him he ignores me or just says “dang” like he doesn’t really care. I listen to him when he tells me about his day at work & if he’s telling me a story or a situation, l’Il ask questions because l’m interested. If l’m telling him about my day at work and telling him something that happened, he’ll either just ignore me or say, something very vague like “wow” or “dang” I feel like he simply doesn’t care about what I have to say. I talked to him about it today because he did it again on my lunch break when I was talking to him about work & I cried after because it makes me genuinely upset. He said I do care but couldn’t really give me a reason as to why I keep getting dry responses. I should also mention he didn’t comfort me or anything while I was upset.

TL;DR my boyfriend doesn’t take interest When I talk or vent to him & it hurts me.

  1. You have been with him for a long time. Did he used to react differently? If this is a recent change, ask him why his behavior has changed.

  2. You’re young and have been together for a really long time. He might have grown tired of it .

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