i have a major issue with eye contact, i usually just stare into peoples eyes, make and break eye contact repeatedly or just avoid it all together and look at the ground. how much eye contact do you guys make??

  1. It shows that you are interested in the conversation, as well as demonstrating sincerity because eyes speak louder than words.

  2. If someone is talking to you its good to face them and look at them once and a while so they know youre being attentive/listening. Its out of respect imo. Nobody likes feeling like theyre talking to a wall. I like to make note of my body language. I dont want to come across as rude or them think theyre being bothersome to me.

  3. I make eye contact for 10 seconds, then I look at their hands, and then I return to making eye contact. I can’t sustain prolonged eye contact because I start to blush, and then I lose focus on what they’re saying. So I feel more comfortable doing it for just a few seconds.

  4. Would it be possible for you to have something to do with your hands? I find if I’m knitting or doing something else with my hands if I glance up every minute or two or anytime there is a tone change to glance at the person that is sufficient

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