I am certain that you have heard the rumblings of revolutionaries within our colonies. Those who would deny the rule of our ***by the grace of God*** King!

We here at /r/AskALoyalist solemnly reaffirm our stance against any who would deny the divine rule of our most gracious King.

Long may He reign.

  1. God save our gracious King!

    Long live our noble King!

    God save the King!

    Send him victorious,

    Happy and glorious,

    Long to reign over us:

    God save the King!


    O Lord our God arise,

    Scatter his enemies,

    and make them fall:

    Confound their politics,

    Frustrate their knavish tricks,

    On thee our hopes we fix:

    God save us all!


    Thy choicest gifts in store,

    On him be pleased to pour;

    Long may he reign:

    May he defend our laws,

    And ever give us cause,

    To sing with heart and voice,

    God save the King!

  2. God save the king. Let him grant us more troops to beat back the mongrel Spanish empire in King George’s own Georgia colony.

  3. Oi bruv, ‘fraid I don’t fink I’ve got me loicense to be a loyalist, innit. God save the King!

  4. While I am perfectly approving of the rule of Harold Godwinsson, King of the English, rightfully chosen by the Meeting of the Wise Men of England…and rightfully condemn the usurping Billy. Both have however been dead for many a year and it is past time we threw off the Norman yoke.

    I do not however know what that has to do with any claims of George III, ELECTOR OF HANOVER, except that his grandfather was chosen by said Meeting of the Wise Men of England (now called “Parliament” by upholders of said Norman Yoke) to replace the despot James.

    All of which complications are all very well for you and if you wish to give the title king to said Elector of Hanover, and bow to him you may. However I will to note that neither James nor Hanover have any more claim to rule over us than did the tanner’s grandson Billy, not that I would want to disparage such an honorable trade as tanning. And that any claim of Divine Right is suspicious when we look at the means by which so many who have sat on England’s throne managed to get there.

    And so us in the colonies beg leave to point out that our republic rests on the same credentials as that of the Tanner’s Grandson, or of the Elector to whit that we just tossed Mr Hanover out on his ear. And so if His Majesty wishes to claim divine right of ear-tossers, there is no reason the Respublica Civitates Foederatae Americae cannot.

  5. Varför förknippas jag med dessa engelska svinhundar? Jag är en stolt medborgare i Nya Sverige!

  6. This is worse than when y’all made us Californians.

    I’m rioting, where’s the tea?

  7. I actually wanted to ask a serious question here…

    Guess it can wait until tomorrow.

  8. Give me liberty or give me death.


    At least give me some decent beer. English ale is arse.

  9. Eh bien, mes amis, it has been a delightful few years with you, but we will be returning to the French crown now.

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