It’s been 2 months, we live in a very very small town, we work buildings away from each other, and he’s in my work everyday. I see him almost EVERY single day. When we first broke up I really went through it. Cried everyday, hardly ate a single thing for weeks, and then for the last few weeks I’ve been pretty fine. I thought it was a sign that I was healing and moving forward with my life. And now, for the past week I’ve been so down. I’m starting to feel the same way that I felt the first couple weeks of the breakup. If I’m not actively doing anything I immediately feel sad. If I am just sitting and not talking to anyone, I feel sad. If I’m in a crowd of people, at some point I get so in my feelings and feel sad. I can’t sleep anymore, and I constantly think about him. Why am I just now feeling sad again, after weeks of feeling okay again? When will this end?

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