My bf and I have been together for 2 years. We are long distance partners as well. Yesterday, March 30, was our official 2 years. He forgot our anniversary. We have been recently having problems dealing with the distance, and our affection towards each other. He feels I no longer put in as much effort in the relationship as I did before. He also feels as if we are more like friends then bf/gf. I too feel this way and can understand his frustration with my lack of effort. Hear me out. I have put in so much effort earlier in our relationship. Flying out and driving to go see him. Going all out for holidays and birthdays. Making sure I was his safe space and validated his feelings. Now I feel as if I’ve lost my spark within the relationship. I still love him but I’m just so frustrated with him. He does not do the same for me. He does not go all out for special occasions, etc. He feels like that is pointless. His parents aren’t really the type to be hopeless romantic. So I understand that he may have learned it from his parents. For so long I continued telling myself that. But as time went on I’ve gotten tired of doing so, leading me to where we are now. We’ve had this conversation about our relationship before. Each time we let out what is bothering us and it’s always the same thing. Yet neither one of us seems to want to break up. I feel sad when I think of the idea of not being with him anymore. He’s not only my bf he’s my best friend. But yesterday I feel was the straw that broke the camels back. How could you forget an anniversary. Especially being long distance. We have so little with each other that these things should be 10x more special than those who get to be with their significant others all the time. What do you guys think I should do?

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