Hello everyone,

I know it’s a bike (or bicycle) in this image attached below, and a person that rides a bike is a cyclist.


In this other image, is it a motorcycle, a motorbike or a bike? And a person riding it a motorcylist or a biker?


I know there’s a difference in American English and British English, which can be confusing for a foreigner, that’s why I’m asking it in this subreddit.

Thank you very much!

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  2. I would call the second photo a motorcycle. I have heard the term “motorbike” but I don’t use it and I don’t really know what it’s supposed to refer to. The person riding a motorcycle is a motorcyclist or “biker”. A person riding a bicycle is sometimes a biker but I think most people associate “biker” with motorcycles.

  3. It’s a motorcycle, sometimes a “bike” if the context is clear that we’re talking about motorcycles. People who ride motorcycles are called bikers.

    I don’t think I would naturally use the word “motorbike”. People would know what you mean, it’s just a lesser used term here – kind of a catch-all for any 2-wheeled self-propelled vehicle.

  4. Paging u/NorwegianSteam

    I have used motorbike to mention a motorcycle, but it usually implies a small one. I have stopped calling them that though, because Steamy made fun of me.

    A motorcyclist is the correct term. A cyclist rides a bicycle.

    Biker will have different meanings depending on context. It *can* reference those in clubs/gangs. Generally, it can be used for any motorcyclist. I call myself a biker and will use it for any relatively hardcore rider. You don’t get that term from me because you own a bike and ride occasionally.

  5. Bike is for a manual pedal powered bicycle, people who ride these regularly are called cyclist. Motorbikes are motorized bicycles, but can also refer to dirtbikes. These people are called riders. Then of course motorcycles are your Harleys and whatnot. Bikers are for the more extreme riders typically on choppers. If they aren’t bikers they are riders. That second photo is a motorcycle and I’d call them a rider.

  6. A bike is usually a bicycle to me but it can mean a motorcycle, especially if the person you’re talking to is a motorcycle rider. A motorcycle is always just that. A scooter is a small CC motorcycle. I don’t use the word motorbike.

    A cyclist is somebody who rides a bicycle, it tends to have a connotation of somebody who is a frequent or enthusiast rider. A motorcyclist is someone riding a motorcycle, but that’s not a word I would say I use very often. A biker is generally also a motorcyclist but I guess it could mean someone on a bicycle in certain contexts. It can also mean a specific type of motorcyclist, the dudes wearing leather on Harleys and stuff haha

  7. Bike is used interchangeably and depends on context as to whether you mean motorcycle or bicycle.

    Biker is also interchangeable but usually means motorcyclist.

    Bicyclist is what you generally call a person who rides a bicycle.

    Motorcyclist is rarely used in my experience. At least in casual speech. News reports or formal reports use it. You just say biker when talking with friends.

    Cyclist always means bicyclist in my experience.

    A motorbike has the connotation of something smaller than a motorcycle like a dirt bike or something with a small 100-150cc engine. Motorcycle means something more powerful like a Harley or a Honda or a Kawasaki or something.

  8. “Motorbike” isn’t really used.

    A motorcycle is either called a motorcycle or a bike. The rider is called either a rider or a biker.

    A bicycle is also called a bike, with the rider being a cyclist.

    Context lets you know whether a person is talking about a motorcycle or a bicycle when someone says “bike.” Anecdotally, I find *way* more people talk about motorcycles than they do bicycles, so when I hear “bike” I immediately assume they’re talking about a biker as opposed to a cyclist unless something clues me in otherwise.

  9. In terms of the actual thing you ride, it’s like squares and rectangles. Bike can refer to either a motorcycle or a bicycle, but bicycle and motorcycle can only refer to themselves.

    In terms of the person riding them, I’m a little different than most. I use cyclist and motorcyclist to refer to the people who know what they’re doing and can reasonably and respectfully share the road with other vehicles. Biker refers to the knucklehead that lane splits on his crotch rocket or cuts cars off with a bicycle (to name a couple examples).

  10. a cyclist rides a bicycle.

    a biker rides a an overweight, overwrought, underpowered noisy, ill-cornering, chunk of… (you get my point)

    a motorcyclist rides any sort of motorcycle

  11. > is it a motorcycle, a morobike or a bike?

    I assume you meant “motorbike”, and all three are used. “Bike” can be confused with your first image, so would only be used when it’s clear we’re talking about the motorized variety.

    > And a person riding it a motorcylist or a biker?

    Both are used. Again “biker” could be confused with the non-motor variety so would only be used when context is clear which we’re talking about.

  12. Bikers ride motorcycles.
    Cyclists ride bicycles.

    A bike may be a bicycle or a motorcycle depending on context.

    A motorbike is something Europeans ride.

    A donorcycle is a motorcycle ridden by someone not wearing a helmet. Or ridden at high speed. Or ridden around cars. Ok most motorcycles are donorcycles.

  13. Motorbike is mostly a British thing. They often use it in place of motorcycle. We generally never do.

  14. So the kind of bike the has pedals and no motor is always a “bike” and the rider is a cyclist.

    A bike with a motor such as the second picture could be called a motorcycle, a motorbike or a bike interchangeably. Motorcycle is the more common term in my experience. Motorbike is acceptable but usually refers to a smaller bike, and bike is a sorta slangy way to refer to it. Like a rider might call their motorcycle their “bike”. And the people who ride them would usually be called “bikers”.

    Motorbike usually refers to a smaller motorized bike, usually the kind made for offroading. Also called dirt bikes. Like this https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwYicH-So6jFI7-xtgqWqLigTVBRj6PM9Z3Xrv24553Y_O-elZbR2xqM-nJ7N77i0HdWap7-M&usqp=CAc

  15. A two wheeled vehicle with an engine is a motorcycle, but sometimes called a bike for short. A two wheeled vehicle with pedals is a bicycle, or bike for short. The difference between the two uses of “bike” should be known from context. A biker usually means motorcycle rider, but occasionally can mean a bicycle rider. A cyclist, however, only ever refers to a bicycle. Motorbike is never used, that’s for the British. Motorcyclist is never used, except maybe in a court of law as a specific legal term.

  16. Surprised not to see it mentioned here… but in my experience “Biker” has a connotation of a certain… let’s call it “lifestyle”.

  17. Bike is a bicycle

    Motorbike is a dirt motorcycle, a dirt bike.

    A motorcycle is a road vehicle

    These are southern, “we’ve in the country “US word viewings. People smack dab in Atlanta may have a different view

  18. I am sure some communities are different but everywhere I have been it’s pretty standard.

    You call it a bicycle and they are called cylists. If a cyclist ever refered to himself as a biker then people would smirk.

    You call a motorcycle a bike and then differentiate between cruiser (think Harley) or crotch rocket (Sport bike) and they are called bikers.

    Motorbike is typically referred too when speaking of dirt bikes and smaller CC vehicles. The liners blur here as more bicycles are coming with motors to assist in long rides.

  19. Bicycle: bike or bicycle

    Motorcycle: Americans say this

    Motorbike: I mostly hear Europeans say this but have heard some older Americans say it.

    “Bike” can refer to a bicycle or a motorcycle but context matters.

    Someone who rides a bicycle is a bicyclist, cyclist, or bicycle rider. Someone who rides a motorcycle is a motorcyclist, cyclist, motorcycle rider, or (rarely) a biker. “Biker” tends to be reserved for a rough guy in leathers and a 1% patch.

    But at the end of the day, nobody really cares. The caveat is that you don’t equate ride clubs with motorcycle clubs. Ride clubs are just a group of people who like riding together. Motorcycle clubs are 1% biker gangs with territory.

  20. Bicycle = two wheeled vehicle powered by human leg movement.

    Electric Bicycle/Bike = a bicycle that has been modified to provide a bit of support or power in addition to human leg movement allowing it to be faster or easier to use.

    Cyclist = someone who is riding a bicycle or electric bicycle usually to commute but can be for pleasure.

    Recreational Cyclist = someone who dresses like they are in the Tour de France and spend thousands of dollars on an expensive bicycle, sunglasses, and cycles for sport and always seems to do so in the middle of a week day. They appear in great numbers in areas with lots of steep hills, winding, and sylvan roads and usually refuse to follow traffic laws and complain and whine about not having bike paths or lanes and then refuse to use such things when they are provided.

    Motorbike = a two wheeled vehicle with substantial chassis and fully motorized in which human leg power is not relevant.

    Dirt bike = a two wheeled vehicle with substantial chassis and fully motorized in which human leg power is not relevant that had been modified or designed for difficult, off road, and messy terrain operation.

    Motorcycle = a two wheeled vehicle with heavy chassis and powerful gas motor that is used for traveling long distances on roads with regular traffic.

    Bike = often used to refer to bicycles but can be short for any type of previously mentioned motor and non-motor vehicles

    Biker = someone who drives a motorcycle and may be part of a motorcycle centered subculture.

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