So, I’ve been playing guitar for over a decade now. I’m no way a pro. Can play a couple of tunes. I have always felt passionate about the instrument but couldn’t devote time to practicing it religiously.

I’m currently going through mental health issues (on meds). Also, I am planning to go for a career switch as my writing profession is the root cause of my all mental health issues.

On one hand, I really want to play the guitar every single day, but when I think rationally, I have barely practiced it regularly in years, and I wonder whether it makes sense to keep it as a hobby moving forward. The instrument is lying there and I don’t even feel like touching it. It feels like an additional burden that I must keep up with.

It’s a strange question to ask here, but I could really learn from what wise people of this sub have to say. Should I continue practicing the guitar or take a break from it? In the meantime, can I pursue any other hobbies just to stay sane?

  1. If you like doing it, keep doing it.

    10-15 minutes a day goes a very long way over one’s life. The same is true for any hobby like writing, basketball, guitar, etc.

    If it helps you, I wrote two books with about 15-30 minutes each morning before my kids woke up. It takes discipline to do something consistently and when you do it long enough, you start to actually enjoy it.

  2. Change your mindset. Don’t look at the guitar as an obligation…think of it as an opporunity. An escape, even. Let it be your ticket to another brain space that’s not crowded with the issues you’re facing. You don’t have to be religious about playing every day. Just pick it up at least once in a while to stay connected with it. It’ll understand.

  3. You definitely should.

    The way a plant grows is by planting the seed in the dirt. The only way you’re going to play guitar is if you pick it up and play it.

    You don’t have to be the next Steve Vai or Yngwie Malmsteen, just pick it up, strums a bit, pick a bit then put it back. Set this as a routine when you get home from work or in the morning and you’l soon get back into it.

    The main point is wanting to. If you’re second guessing wether or not you want to play it, they you probably don’t want to. That being said, it is a great distraction to try and learn a new song and can really help clear your mind of other things. There are the usual suspects, come as you are by nirvana, wonderwall by oasis, but learn something you actually listen to or your heart my not be in it.

    Can you play and sing at the same time? If not, try that!

    Best of luck bro!

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