Who is yours? Cornwallis? Lord Nelson?

  1. Clearly the great Lord William Howe as he will surely be soon in mopping up the colonial rabble.

  2. Englishman here.

    Benedict Arnold is scum, but that’s who you have to recruit. He’s here in England now with his pension, but nobody talks to him and the less we see of him, the better.

    If Major Andrė has not been hanged yet, we’ll trade you for him.

  3. I must assert that he is far from the most renowned or respected of our war heroes. On the contrary, his treachery has blackened his reputation in the annals of history. If you seek a name more worthy of praise, I would nominate Lord Nelson, whose victories at sea were the stuff of legend and whose death at Trafalgar is still venerated to this day.

  4. Benedict Arnold? I wouldn’t play whist with the man. Fear he may cheat.

    Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington are up there for me.

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