Thousands of offers for relationships, thousands of offers for sex, thousands of men in their online dating DMs begging for a chance

What the heck is going on they have everything on a silver platter for them

Unlike most average dudes who get like 1 or 2 replies per month

  1. Being offered sex and relationships doesn’t necessarily mean that their romantic life is easy. You honestly sound like a child

  2. I think they have to weed through lots of trash though. I’m a dude but when I was using dating apps I felt kind of overwhelmed when I was talking to more than 2 girls at once, so I’d just stop talking to most of them. It felt like work to me

  3. As a woman, I get no DMs begging for a chance, no offers for relationships, and offers for sex are simply not flattering nor enticing to someone that wants commitment and a long term relationship.

  4. It’s literally quite dangerous for us and the abuse we have hurled at us would shock you.

  5. Quality vs quantity my guy. Maybe talk to a woman and you’ll understand better. Just because you have options doesn’t mean they’re good.

  6. What makes you think these men are relationship material?

    Also, what makes you think that we want all these men?

    See, the difference between men and women is that, us women, we don`t see quantity over quality. Men, on the other hand, would rather have 100 mid women than one cool one, hence, why most of you think we “”””have it so easy”””” when in reality 95% of these men have a ton of negative qualities that would automatically make us incompatible.

    Most of them just wanna have sex as well, so if you`re looking for a LTR it’s pointless to pursue it.

    No, women don’t “have it so easy”, this is an excuse men use to keep their efforts low and complain they don’t get any instead of actually being a good guy and trying to find a cool girl.

  7. “Everyman is Christ and we’re all Crucified.”

    We’re all going through it just in qualitatively different ways.

    I do want to say I sympathize because there is a discrepancy between how people understand the problems of the other gender and it’s hard to find ways to express these feelings that aren’t gonna come off as sexist or dismissive.

  8. Posts like these always seem to come from the assumption that all attention is wanted attention and every man is a valid option, both are not true.

  9. Getting to know someone is easy as a woman who conforms to the optical norm, but from my personal dating experience I can tell you: many men want to fcuk you, very few want a serious relationship

  10. men have it easy. how often do you think men have to worry about being assaulted, raped, or used for sex? easy street man. women have to be very discerning to protect themselves.

  11. Women have their own issues when it comes to dating, yes, it may not equate to what we have to deal with, but i don’t think it’s simple and easy for them.

  12. I’d correct it to thousands pretending to want a relationship when in fact only 3 do *

  13. I think women complain because of the approaches of a lot of men. They are very quick to make sexual advances, and a lot of the times, aren’t looking for anything serious. Most women I believe want someone that is more bf material. I can’t speak for all women, but for me that’s what I’m looking for. I don’t complain about it though, I just understand its part of the process. I acknowledge the struggles of both sexes.

  14. For men its difficult to get laid. For women it’s difficult to not get abused.

  15. Dating just sucks today. Men have it bad, so do not treat women well. Women have it bad, so they do not treat men well.

    There are good ones out there. I have given up on OLD and found success. The trick? Oh, I wanted to date, but I stopped going out to date. This 53M, divorced, goes out to make friends post the Covid insanity. A few ending up feeling right, so I ask. Often not the first time we meet. The trick to meeting lots of good people? I go out dancing.

    Dudes, dance with much older women. I was dancing with an elderly and frail lady and every gave me a little ribbing because it was obvious I was having fun. I led her to the limit of her abilities and then “Peacocked” (normally, you lead to show off the lady, since her arms couldn’t move much I did the turns). Her granddaughter asked me out…

    Get a reputation for making the ladies happy, safe, and respected and life is easier. I had a so-so date, not worth having another, but how she complained to her friends got me a date with the lady I am now dating. (Her friends just realized more of what my type is.)

  16. Women don’t have it easy, and anyone who says that is seriously deluded. Try being treated like you’re just one of many girls to sleep with instead of a human being with feelings who wants a meaningful relationship.

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