TL;DR: I’ve always been a very healthy guy (eat well, hydrate, workout & rest) and take care of myself but I noticed that I haven’t been able to go Round 2 in bed for over 6 years. I’m not able to get hard again despite being mentally ready and wanting to.


From **16-20** I never had a problem being able to masturbate multiple times a day. When I watched porn (whether animated or real life), I had a small kink for videos where the guy was able to nut twice. So I thought if I start masturbating twice – I’ll be geared up to a be a porn star when I finally have sex.

I lost my virginity at **20** (*late bloomer*) with my first girlfriend. Sex was amazing! We would fuck multiple times a day and sometimes right after each other as well.

I was **22** when we broke up. After I was healed – I had multiple FWB situations. But I noticed that I went from having sex 3-4 times a day comfortably to being perfectly content with 2-3 days without sex. I felt because everyone around me would tell stories about how they go multiple rounds with the girls they see. This is where I figured I may have a problem, because mentally, I wanted to have more sex and go multiple rounds.

In the same year, I got a new girlfriend who I was extremely attracted to. I was **23** at the time. We would fuck multiple times during the week but I found it weird that after I came I wasn’t able to go for a round two. I could see that she also expected me to go for it based on what she’s been used to.

For the next 6 years we had a lot of issues so we were very on and off. We broke up multiple times and got back together multiple times. In the times we were taking a break – I would see new women and in that time I found it harder to become sexually stimulated. No one’s ever made a joke or put me down, but a few women have made a couple comments about why I can only go one round when they’re used to multiple.

A few comments I’ve gotten are:

*”Btw, I’m ready for a round 2 if you are!”*
*”I noticed you don’t like to have sex more than once, is it because I’m bad?”*
*”Oh I noticed you don’t like to go a round 2 or 3 like other guys”*

Although I’ve never left any women sexually disappointed – to know I can’t fully satisfy there urges makes me feel less of a man.

It’s one thing to say that I’m no longer interested in sex and therefore have it so sparsely but mentally I WANT to have more sex with any partner I’m with. It’s just not agreeing with my body? As mentioned prior, I actually find it a turn on if I can cum again especially in short succession. But this is the exact scenario. I finally orgasm – (oral/ vaginal sex) – and I feel fantastic. My dick starts to immediately become flaccid and I become immediately disinterested in anything sex related for the next 12-24 hours.

I’m **29** now and I have a new girlfriend. I honestly am tired of not being able to go a round two or round three when I still hear about men all around me younger and WAY older having absolutely no problem whatsoever going multiple rounds. I want to start being the best sexual partner that these women have ever had. I know it’s not dependent on my ability to “go again” per se but I know women very much appreciate when their guy can get it up again without hesitation.


Besides TRT or something, I feel that I’ve done everything I can try:

* Natural supplementations (sometimes works but nothing does long term)
* Intermittent Fasting (felt a bit more energized)
* Healthy eating (smoothies, hydration, vegetables, quality proteins)
* Meditations (helped with anxiety)
* Exercise Routines (Stronger muscles = stronger…?)
* PE Exercises & Kegel Routines (Could control my orgasm better)
* and even shamefully ED medications like Cialis & Viagra… (gave me headaches and sinus problems)

To wrap up. Honestly, this reads pretty pathetically but I’m genuinely a pretty confident person in my self and abilities. I know that this isn’t the end of the world but I fear that because of this inability to achieve certain things that people around me are makes me feel inadequate and if its achievable to fix than I want to do something to fix it.

I’m aware the term I’m referring to is called refractory period but I have little hope since apparently it’s mainly genetic. I also know that this all goes down and gets worse with age but I genuinely don’t want that to be the case.

  1. Have you had your testosterone checked? No point in TRT if your level is normal.

    Some guys just can’t go more than once. That’s all there is to it.

    You could look at cialis, maybe. That will usually help.

  2. I don’t think it has to do with whether you’re in good shape or not, or even hormones. I think it’s simply that sex is not quite as big of a deal for you as it was when you were 20.

  3. “mainly genetic”? Does that mean the the medical literature or health information Websites talk about this problem, that specialists in sexual health are aware of it and it has an official diagnostic code?

    There’s an important difference between the level of total T and the level of free T. In all men, free T makes up just a few percent of the total, but it’s been much discussed that the level of free T makes more difference than the level of total T. When men have sexual problems, if a doctor wants to measure the T level, it’s important they order a test for free T too.

  4. This is a P.S. in reply to the OP. Two points. My sister briefly had a boyfriend with a similar performance. As I recall, he was only 20 or 21, and she told me that once he came, he was done for the day, or night, and that he even told her that. I met him, he was well adjusted, smiley, mild mannered. The opposite of a troubled personality. If this was a progressive phenomenon, as in your case, he probably didn’t mention that to my sister.

    The other point is that your post seems to contain a slight contradiction. It says both that you’re “mentally ready” for a Round 2 and you “want” a Round 2, and that after you come, “I become immediately disinterested in anything sex related for the next 12-24 hours”.

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