We met way back in 2015 when I was 12 and she was 10. We were cast mates for a play, and so we basically had to become acquaintances. We ended up having a lot in common and became really close. Thankfully, we didn’t drift after all the shows were done and remained friends until now.

We were joking around the other day, that none of our relationships would seem to work, and then she brought up that maybe we’d be great together since we’ve managed to stay friends for years. I’m pretty sure she said it as a joke, but I’m actually considering it. I did like her for some time, but I just put it aside since I thought it would be too much to lose. She’s 17 and I’m 19. I have no sexual intentions for her and solely just want to be more than best friends. We’re meeting up this weekend at a friend’s party, and I’m thinking I could ask her the next day?

1 comment
  1. >she brought up that maybe we’d be great together since we’ve managed to stay friends for years.

    Would you bring this up to a girl that you didnt want to date? Like if this were reversed, would you even bring up the potential of a relationship if you had no intention of dating that person? Probably not right? lol

    I dont think she’d say that if she didnt consider it herself. It would be an awkward thing to say if she had zero romantic feelings towards you, you know what I’m saying?

    So I think this could be the moment where your patience pays off.

    >We’re meeting up this weekend at a friend’s party, and I’m thinking I could ask her the next day?

    I mean honestly, you could just call her and ask right now. I doubt anything will change within the next week. If anything, she may rethink the whole thing because you didnt bring it up. If she likes you, shes probably dying to hear from you right now.

    So if it were me, I’d just figure out a way to talk to her asap. And I would just say that you thought about what she said the other day, and that you agree and want to be with her.

    If she is caught totally off guard and is like whoa whoa I just mentioned that as a joke….then thats fucked up man lol I dont think this will happen, based on what you’ve described.

    But either way, I think its worth the risk of altering the friendship. Because if you actually date her and its one of those life changing relationships…you’ll be forever grateful to yourself for taking the chance.

    So go for it man, good luck.

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