25 F my 26 M boyfriend that I moved across the country for at the end of 2022 ended our relationship

25 F My 25 M boyfriend just broke up with me when I moved across the country for him 5 months ago

I don’t even know where to begin to cope. How to I move on from someone I spent the last 5 months with, slept together every night, and did everything together while moving back across the country.
We went to our first night of couples counseling and when we got out, he said he was done and didn’t see a future we me.
TL; DR how do I even go about coping with all of this

  1. By starting the process of moving on with your life. The distance will certainly help, but start picking up the pieces

  2. For starters never move locations for a man. Have you own life. If a man comes along who fits in, happily accept him. Okay? Please take this as a lesson.

    Focus on your career. Find more time for your hobbies. I always believe our time should be a luxury we give to only those who deserve it. You are in your prime. Don’t waste your time and energy on finding ways to keep someone around. It is not worth it. The sooner you realise the better. Imagine how much you can work on making yourself a better version of you by dedicating all the time and energy towards you, your wellbeing and goals. Go work on that body, get new hobbies, travel, make friends, live your life OP.

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