I (F) visited a friend (M) and went with him to a party in his hometown. One of his friends came up to talk to me (very cute and nice) at the end of the evening (both rather shy but now drunk). I acted really akward and couldn‘t hold a normal conversation as I was so overwhelmed and nervous. Tje next morning he saw me at the beach and i immediately remembered how i acted the night before and frowned. He was taken back by my frown, said hi and left.
That day I went back home. The next day he asked my friend about me.
So i took the initiative and texted him.
We texted for days but it was very interrogational from my side. I got tired after couple of days and stopped texting.

Was he never that into me or did I unintentionally rejected him too many times. I mean I messaged him on fb. He would have got it right?

  1. Your communication towards him would probably seem very confusing to him. He’s probably wondering if you’re into him or not considering your hot and cold behavior.

  2. Probably interested. Personally, one “rejection” is fine. Could be misinterpretation. Anything beyond that and I dip. I’m not desperate

  3. A lot of girls add guys just for attention or to boost their friends/follower count. He might think you rejected him and this is the only reason you added him

  4. He may have been interested. Just ask him. Send him one message along the lines of:

    Hey, I know I was sending you mixed signals when we first met. I’m sorry about that. I’m actually attracted to you and I was wondering if you like to ________.

    Be clear in what you want. If he responds go from there. If he doesn’t count it as a missed opportunity and lesson learned.

    Good luck.

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