women of reddit, how would you react when your mother calls you a “cheap woman”? (not in the financial sense though)

  1. “Yeah well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”

    Or, better yet, tell her it’s 2023 and assigning a value to women as if they are property and not human beings went out of fashion last century.

  2. I’d be very visibly confused, as someone who’s about to married and in a monogamous relationship. But if I was single, I’d tell her to fuck off with the slut shaming bullshit

  3. When I was like 11 or 12 my grandma said I would “just grow up to be a no good alcoholic just like my father”. I just cried at the time, but I’m 37 now and I still think about it.

  4. I’d laugh at her. She was *very* popular with men when I was growing up and would complain about having to wear underwear to doctor appointments.

  5. Probably something about earning enough Lucifer Loyalty Reward Points to upgrade my special place in hell to a premium spot. Depends on how well the comeback generator was working at the time.

  6. I ignore and focus upon enjoying a few glasses of something boozy.

    Or laugh if an attractive single ex has overheard her vicious bull knowing that he’ll ensure that she will remember his & my risque actions long after she has forgotten her insults about me having a sexual history outside of marriage.

  7. Mine called me something similar and I ended up going as far away for college as I could and going no contact for a while. We’ve reconciled a little but I’m always happy to throw it back in her face because I’m an asshole. “We’re so proud of you and your new job/how well you are at being a mom/whatever” “thanks, not bad for a sl0tty wh0re huh?” She gets a hurt look and tries to apologize but I’m a grudge holding jerkstore.

  8. “You can’t expect to birth a million dollar woman out of a two fiddy vagene.”

  9. I’d rather be cheap than dependant…I’d say as the one whose raised me I’m the product, her disappointment should be in herself

  10. She has. To me and my sisters. For small reasons like hanging out with friends “late” like 7pm and calling it “party and drinking” when we werent and it was a small group of nerds. Same with doing the dishes and she call it out as “we’re letting the man decide, we should be ordering men around!” as if none of our bf ever did the dishes (which they do).

    I think the fact that she constantly throws out random insults that makes no sense, and plus we know our own truth, it doesn’t affect us really. We’re like “ok mom” because she’s just crazy to us.

  11. I laughed when my mom did, because the context was how I don’t have expensive taste in food. IE, I’m a “cheap date,” because I’ll never order the lobster.

    (we had an excellent relationship)

  12. It’s a meaningless term but particularly if my mom said it I’d probably die from the sheer force of the hypocrisy.

  13. My mom kind of hints at that sometimes, but doesn’t use such blunt language. I have lots of piercings, I’ve started getting tattoos, I don’t wear a bra, I’m more into the alt/goth style and music. She makes sort of subtle jabs at all of that.

    Honestly, it’s really hurt my self-esteem a lot. When I moved out I got more comfortable in my own style of dress, but moving back home has made me feel uncomfortable and shameful for even wearing shorts or a tank top.

    I really wish I could say that I just laugh at her or snip back, but it’s really hindered my personal progress. It’s been going on ever since I’ve been into the more alt scene, which started around the time I was 10. I guess I just sort of take it and keep quiet to avoid an argument. Just get through it until I can move out again.

  14. Distance yourself from, or cut out, the negative people in your life. It’ll do wonders for your mental health.

  15. Think that she is obnoxious and spiteful. She is the one that raised you so isnt that hypocritical to say that and she did a shit job of raising you? Sounds like shes the cheap woman to be low-blowing her child. Probably feels like shit on the inside and wants to see someone better than her be put down b/c it gives her some kinda messed satisfaction. No matter what the context is on how you go about living your life a parent should be supportive of their child. She is a shit mother.

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