I live in Europe on the latitude of Ottawa, and in the summer, my ass gets all sweaty when I have to do a job by a computer for whole day.

Ottawa is on the latitude of Paris.
And here in Europe, the countries in southern Europe that were capitalist right after WW2 have lower gdp per capita than those in the north because of the heat. Miami is on the latitude of Egypt.

So do you just sweat your ass like any hard-working southern European would, or do you install air conditioners in every room?

  1. I don’t live in Florida, but I’d wager most offices have air conditioning. Go far enough south and it’s as much if a necessity as heating is.

  2. It’s always 68 degrees in every office building I’ve ever been in within the United States.

  3. >or do you install air conditioners in every room

    Almost all buildings in the South are built with central AC because the heat and humidity are just so brutal without it.

  4. If it’s anything like most offices I’ve ever worked in, it stays about 65f/18c year round due to the AC. I’m not in Florida but I am in the South. I keep a cardigan in my office at all times because even in July its chilly inside. Most Europeans who visit American offices freeze their asses off.

  5. A/c is a necessity in Florida in summer, not a luxury.

    Most places have central a/c, not window units. That means there’s one giant unit feeding into grates in all rooms, so that all rooms and the corridors are at one comfortable temperature. Sometimes it’s hard to regulate and can get *cold* in the summer months to the point that you have to keep a sweater in your office in August.

    The heat is very strong because it’s high humidity, much higher than in Europe. It literally feels like you’re walking into an oven. I once went to Disney in August and as we were waiting in line for the park to open (7:30 am), it was already very hot. I’d given each of my kids a fan with water so they could cool themselves through the day and they were already using it. A British couple turned to me and asked if I thought it was going to be even hotter that day. They were pretty shaken when I said, Absolutely. This is one of the top issues non Americans have when they come here–we have large weather extremes and it gets *very* hot or very cold, much more extreme than anywhere in Europe I’ve been.

  6. Here in Florida, in the summer, businesses and other public places tend to run their AC ice cold. So cold that I drag a sweater around with me for spending time indoors. People’s homes are not like that, usually because a regular citizen would go flat broke trying to pay the power bill for it. And florida law suppresses the implementation of solar energy alternatives, so very stupidly I know, we don’t have a lot of clean energy here so it costs a lot to run the AC in the summer.

    Conversely, in the “winter” people run their heat to a suffocating degree. It’ll be 55 *F outside and the heat will be set to almost 70🥵

    Editing to add that there’s AC pretty much everywhere here out of necessity. Most people have ducted systems that are centrally controlled and handled. But the split system wall units are definitely becoming more common recently. In Florida people mostly install the split systems to augment their existing ducted system. AC is a big deal here in our paved over swampland.

  7. It’s actually an OSHA requirement to have AC in buildings when it gets too hot/humid out.

  8. AC in public buildings are usually set to ice cold. If a renters ac were to break it constitutes an emergency and is required to be fixed within 24 hrs. The heat down there can be dangerous depending on one’s health situation.

  9. We have central air con. Most European countries dont need central air because it rarely gets that hot but in florida it’s just April 1 and we’ve already had days of 33 degrees.

    Most homes also have central air. My condo is kept at 23.8 at all times

  10. Part of the reason it is warmer in northern Europe than the comparable latitude in the US is the Gulf Stream that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to the north Atlantic. We have our own weather patterns based on geography more so than latitude.

  11. Dawg it’s 2023. Air conditioning has been around for nearly 100 years

  12. We have air conditioning. It might be 100°+ outside, but it’ll be a nice, cool 72° inside.

  13. I grew up in Florida, not having AC is functionally a crime against humanity

  14. I live in Texas and it’s super hot here too but everywhere has good central AC. Usually it ends up being too cold I’m offices

  15. Latitude doesn’t matter much with weather comparisons.

    I’m at the latitude of like Hungary and have more snow next week

  16. I’m in Virginia and everyone here has Air Conditioning in homes and office buildings. So I know that everyone in Florida has it too.

  17. American offices always have air conditioning. Florida in particular worships the goddess Freon.

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