Im usually a shy guy, but once Im drunk with friends in the club, I dont give a f anymore and dance forever.

So since I moved to another town, I only went clubbing once alone.

I thought to myself that nobody even notices, and that nobody cares.

Well… as it turns out, nearly everybody noticed. I saw how they looked at me and talked, it was weird but I kept dancing.

On the bright side, two girls wanted to dance with me and one got my number.

Was a great night.

But now that I know that everybody seems to notice, its just weird to do it again.

  1. Not weird! Keep doing it! You’re doing it for you and everyone else in your position. It’s about having fun. Screw anyone who doesn’t get that.

  2. Honestly if they notice and talk about it is because deep downs the envy your confidence.

    You are having fun, keep doing it.

  3. Did a lot of times and still doing it. Like others already said, people notice you and envy/admire you for your confidence. Several women will find you very hot too.

    There’s nothing wrong or weird in doing it. Instead, it’s epic!

  4. Yer cool. I’d estimate 60% of women would find a lone wolf creepy, while the other 40% will find an allure in your confidence, with those numbers declining by 10% for every notch on your perceived attractiveness, as measured 1-10.


    >Was a great night

    There’s your answer. It might not hit so good next time, might be better. But you had fun. You won.

  5. They may not notice if you’re alone, but they WILL notice if you’re awkward and just standing around staring.

    People also tend to notice if you’re dancing alone, but only because it sticks out on a floor where people are bumping and grinding and dry humping each other. As long as you’re having fun, no one actually cares if you’re dancing alone, and someone will gladly dance with you if you’re having a good time.

  6. Why does it matter if they notice, and why does that make it weird?

    How do you know with what intentions they were looking at you?

    It sounds like you had success to me. You got some numbers and dance partners out of it. That’s a win in my book.

    Why do the opinions of people who’s names you don’t even know or faces remember matter?

  7. >Well… as it turns out, nearly everybody noticed. I saw how they looked at me and talked, it was weird but I kept dancing.

    Were they actually talking about how you were clubbing alone? Idk, that sounds like projection to me. They might have noticed you because you were dancing like your life depended on it, but I doubt they were specifically noticing you because you were alone.

    Good on you for going out and having a blast on your own terms. Even if some people were judging you, it clearly worked out so keep it up!

  8. Maybe they weren’t talking about you.
    Maybe they were talking about they found you attractive.

    You can’t know what they were talking about unless you ask them

  9. No I go out to clubs alone and I always find a group to hang with. Mostly because I’m relatively attractive. My social skills aren’t great, but my appearance gets me through the initial barrier of mingling with strangers.

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