My new gf took it further last night.. she is 27f. Short background is both of us grew up in purity culture and were sexually repressed. So it’s all new to both of us.

I however had done some research on technics because it was important to me that a women gets good foreplay. Knowing that I myself probably wouldn’t last long.

So it started with us making out. She had previously had her thighs off limits because she wasn’t ready. Well last night she guided my hand to her thighs. Then with me on top she guided me to thrust. Basically dry humping her. So yeah the action was incredibly hot. But my dick rubbing against fabric didn’t feel great. But she loved it so I kept going. She really got turned on. After awhile I finally admitted it wasn’t comfortable because my dick was rubbing against my pants. It’s painful to stay erect for hours with limited pants space alone..

I can’t remember when things shifted to this, but she asked if I wanted to finger her and of course I did. So she guided me and that was awesome. She loved it.
Then we made out again for awhile.

She ended up guided me to her thighs. I teased oral and she 100% wanted it. So I ate her out. This is all completely new to me. She said she had orgasmed so I feel kind of awesome that I was able to do that the first time. I know she could have lied, but I don’t believe she did. Regardless I want to get better.

Maybe this is TMI, but why I labeled nsfw.

Things got a bit more frustrating when I hinted on her having fun with me and it felt like it was going over her head. Finally I guided her to my dick. She was so rough. Omg. I kept telling her to be gentle and she would but then would start going crazy. Like she was doing the Indian twist on my penis. Id get close and then completely lose it. This lasted awhile until she grew tired. I hinted a again and then let it be. Just made out with her and fingered her some more..

So yeah. I really wanted to finger and give oral to someone and it was awesome. It made me really happy that she was extremely wet to and didn’t need lube.

But my dick took such a beating. She spent the night. I ended up finishing while I had the shower running this morning.

It’s funny because from our upbringing women’s sexuality is often overlooked and women feel an unfair weight to please a man. But my experience was the opposite. I almost felt like she wasnt really that into getting me off. I hated that I had to drop major hints.

It’s like she had no idea how to work with my body which is understandable but I sort of thought it would be much easier to get a guy off then a women.

What can I do to help her? First I think next time I won’t hint and let her go for it if she wants. I don’t want her to feel pressured. Not that I pressured her, but just bringing it up might pressure her. If she wants I need to have some better guidance.
My little guy is wrecked this morning.

I just felt if she asked for oral and finger then I thought she would be okay with returning something. but she didn’t seem to interested

  1. Guide her the same way she guided you.

    Some girls get even hornier after their first orgasm and some girls actually lose the motivation to continue. Try teasing each other without letting her cum before you do next time.

    You can also use lube to ease the grip on your penis. Coconut oil is a good alternative.
    Just don’t use it if you wanna go all the way with a condom afterwards (oil damages latex)

  2. Try watching potn together so she can see what to do. Lol, just make sure you don’t pick some kind of rough play. Search for like intimate sex.

  3. Also, try telling her the truth. That if she doesn’t gently and orally please you during these sessions, you could go blind. Lol.

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