If somone is speaking to me and like asks for a selfie I’m always abit nervous. Eventually maybe I send one and if they compliment me I never know what to do. I usually say thanks but like what if he asks for another or more. What should I do if I’m shy and anxious and just not confident. I’ve been told before I need to do it to help me gain my confidence and showing more will help me build it but I’m unsure. I’m not good at making decisions in general and could do with some help tbh.

  1. “Thanks” works fine. You don’t need to spark a conversation about it. Continue the conversation from where you left off.


    >or more

    Personally, I don’t recommend sending nude photos unless you’ve really been with the guy. I’m talking husband or very long term. Facetime/video chat if you want to get virtually lewd. Snapchat is better but not totally safe.

    Most guys aren’t dicks. But better safe than sorry IMO.

  2. If they like you, they will ask for more. It’s cause they like and want to see more of you. If you aren’t comfortable with sending pictures, doing it more won’t make it better. Unless it’s just the unease of unfamiliarity.

    Saying thanks for compliments is always that’s necessary. If you enjoy being complimented by the person you can share that with them or not.

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