This guy was my childhood friend. We known eachother a really long time from school and living in the same village

Fast forward to school graduation: since we were only “school friends” and rarely talked outside of school, we now got out of contact. I graduated school 6 years ago and didnt have a phone yet. We basically havent talk to eachother for 6 years with a few exceptions where sometimes I suddenly meet him at some random place but that never resulted in any more than a little small talk.

Fast forward again to a week ago: again we met by coincidence, and talked for a few minutes. I wanted to ask him to meet up some times and get back into contact but it was too late he got into conversation with other people which I didnt want to interrupt. There went my chance

Now I found his social media online and I want to approach him online so we can be friends again and meet up. But wouldn’t this be weird since a week ago we coincidentally met and I didnt ask him this? Is it weird if I approach him online and say the thing I could have said face to face a week ago? And how do I even start a conversation what kind of things can I say/ask?

I’ve thought about just sending a message but I don’t know how to

  1. Do you feel that the feeling is mutual ? If so try a simple hello via social media and take it from there. Hope for the best prepare for the worst. Good luck!

  2. It’s not weird, though.

    What do you think social media is for?

    You are squandering your own opportunities.

    Knock it off.

    So what if you’re weird.

    Did you expect to be perfect?

    Send that message.

    Hit the follow button.

    Connect with people who interest you.

    There’s nothing wrong with making connections until you convince yourself there is.

    All those things you think are true are not necessarily real.

    Here’s your chance to pursue the life you want.

    Get after it

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