Ive been single for a tiny bit and i feel ready to explore again. I have found a girl im dating and its going very well. She really is beautiful and her personality matches mine(her vibe and energy too). But ive encountered a problem.

Although i didnt feel guilty in the begining of the breakup, i do now after talking with this girl for a bit. I was with my ex for a year and ive dropped it, I made sure to feel well and ready. But when i was with her i had zero contact with women to respect her even though she was alright with me having female friends.now when i talk to women i feel rather guilty. Is this normal?

I feel like it might be because i havent been talking to a girl in this way unless it was my ex but as im single i have to talk to other women to be able to get to know her…right?

Edit: my ex was my first gf.

TLDR: i have been single for a while and decided to talk to women, but i feel guilty.

1 comment
  1. I guess it’s extremely normal for you to feel like you’re betraying your ex. Because she was your first gf. You’re even being cute lol. Be relaxed and never even think that you’re guilty. Relationships start and end. That’s the way it goes. It ended one way or another. It would be unhealthy for both of you if you wouldn’t give chance to new people.

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