I heard holding it in is bad for a person. So what are some ways you found to express your anger without hurting people near you?

  1. Learn from it so one can achieve a state where you don’t get angry in the first place.

  2. I go to the gym and beat the hell out of myself, or go camping and beat up a tree or make a fort while also beating the hell out of myself. Usually, when I do that, I wake up sore and too worried about my back to stay angry at whatever made me angry.

    And don’t hold on to it. It’s just going to fry you. Let it go if you can or remove the source from your life. Life is too short to hold on to grudges that control your days.

  3. I started therapy, one thing that helps me is just knowing what is causing my anger and being able to express is verbally somehow – helps me, helps my wife.

    For a more intrinsic expression or outlet you could try the gym, running outside, art or whatever. Something that distracts you or gives you an outlet to pour that anger into – pushing a heavy weight for example is extremely satisfying.

  4. it’s true. people who vent are generally healthier, have lower blood pressure, and are happier day to day. bottling stuff up is a bad idea.

    vent it out to a good listener, man. vent all that shit out. don’t hold it in.

    it’s like when John Coffey sucks the bad out of things. cough it up so it can escape and wither. you’ll feel better.


    art, exercise, taking a walk, connecting with nature…all healthy ways of releasing that tension.

    sex is also fantastic for relaxation. it’s such a feeling of release. you just melt into a puddle of happiness and relaxation after 🙂

  5. Punching bags are underrated. Not a solution for your emotions, but cathartic and a really good cardio exercise, also not always around whenever your angry…

  6. Group boxing class. If you do it right and give it your all, you’re not going to feel anything besides fatigue after an hour

  7. I keep a journal, every time I need to (like every 2 weeks so far) I’ll write my most vile thought about my wife, and it gets better.

    Before you get any ideas, it is stuff like “I’ll pretend everything is fine, I won’t divorce” meanwhile I love her and most of our days are great, we just have a 1 year old lol

  8. Assuming that the night wasnt bad why would you want to reject somebody you already have slept with?

  9. Hit the iron and heavy bag hard, spar with consenting opponents, go shoot some more exotic weaponry, meditate, ride my motorcycle way too fast down country roads at night.

  10. Below the anger are the real emotions. Fear, shame, betrayal. If you can afford to, get professional help to access THOSE feelings. The anger will drop away.

  11. Anything as long as it’s non destructive, there’s many types of emotions and things you want to do.

    Some people tire themselves out physically, others talk a lot, what’s most important is keeping an eye on the consequences of your expression.

    What can oftentimes help, but this is a skill learned over time and will not work immediately, you need to train it, is to breathe carefully and draw all that outward energy inward, then push it out again slowly. Meditation is good for you.

    That said, sometimes, if you can afford to destroy something, never someone, just something, just smash that plate, you’ll just have to clean it up later.

  12. Not necessarily anger, but turning negative emotions into your energy for self-improvement or growth. Whether that be emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

    When I shower, I tend to spend some time self-reflecting on things that have happened and how I could’ve been better for myself and others in that situation.

    Word of advice though: Sometimes there are people that feed on the energy received from negatively impacting others, and those people are not worth the time trying to understand. They generally operate on some kind of self interpreted logic that only they understand and use to justify their actions. It’s not worth the time or energy. Just focus on yourself.

  13. Productivity. Anger is an emotion that gets people motivated to do something, if you use it to fuel your workouts, or getting things done at work that is a good thing.

  14. Not getting angry in the 1st place is best. Lower your exceptions and you;ll find you don’t get angry so often. People are stupid and selfish. The world is random and unfair. Expect these things and you’ll be pleasantly surprised sometimes instead of angry some times.

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