I’ve had social anxiety since I can remember but it has gotten way worse in the past few years. I’ve barely made friends and I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot especially since I’m turning 25 soon.

I almost feel like I’m having a quarter life crisis or something, because I’m about celebrate a milestone birthday but with no friends and zero experience of any sort. Mentally I feel like I’m 18 as Ive had no major life experience. My life’s been stagnant yet mentally I’ve been a downward spiral for years. I’m growing older and its making me anxious and depressed. I havent even been able toland a job and have been living at home for a while. I dont know what to do. Everytime family pressure me about getting a job, socializing, and mention my age etc I get very anxious. I suck at interviews, havent been able to connect with anyone and birthdays are depressing

How should I overcome it?

  1. You need to identify where this is coming from and why. After you process it, your life will be much easier 🙂

  2. I haven’t got an answer I’m afraid but you’re not alone. I turned 25 2 weeks ago and almost could have written that word for word

  3. yeah my life is very similar i’m only 20 but i missed out on hs due to social anxiety but working in retail a few months can really take away your fear of speaking to people it helped me alot working at my campus bookstore

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