A few months back, a neighbor I had become friends with moved. Before they moved they gave me their number and address so we could stay in touch. Before all this, we’d hang out from time to time. They even let me in on their yard parties.

After some back and forth, they stopped responding to any of my texts.

I’ve since stopped messaging them at all because of this and am considering just moving on, but what happened here and what does this mean? Did I do something wrong? I find it strange that they gave me their address if it seems like they might not want anything to do with me anymore (not that I’ll do anything).

  1. It’s pretty common for people to promise to “stay in touch” or to keep contact after a move, whether it be a new job, a new school, a new location.

    It’s also pretty common for them to move on with their lives and actually lose touch with the people they formerly had a connection with.

  2. People change and grow apart sometimes.

    Just happens.

    Anything you say about their intentions without knowing the reasons is putting the cart before the horse though.

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