My boyfriend and I have been together maybe 3 months but our relationship had been on and off for 2 and a bit years. My boyfriend moved in with my mum, younger brother and myself in December 2022 just before Christmas. It wasn’t planned (long story). My boyfriend works with my uncle in plastering and I work in child care. Lately my boyfriend has been off, we all go to my grandparents for dinner and he doesn’t like to go. Before he had moved in he came to my grandparents house for lunch so it isn’t like he doesn’t know them or ate around them. He also had Christmas dinner with us and has came out with us to birthday dinners. Yesterday I had told my boyfriend that that’s where we where having dinner and that my mum was at a meeting and my Auntie was taking me to dancing so my grandad would probably take him and my brother home. He said “no” and to “grow the f up” and I got angry. I didn’t see him or text him till I got home at 9:30 and was still angry at him. When I got to our room. He was “asleep” and I sat on the bed. He then hugged me and I said “I’m still angry” he proceeded to apologise and I explained why it was better he did but am he still said no. I gave up and just hugged him. On Thursdays we all have McDonald’s. And we’ve done that since I was 7. My boyfriend LOVES McDonald’s and when I told him when he first moved in that’s what we have every Thursday he was so happy. But yesterday he said he was going to ask for no more McDonald’s and has also said he need to eat more healthy and go back to to gym. He said “I hate that I have a belly and I can’t see my abs anymore” and it broke me. I used to love my boyfriends abs but after moving in he did get a little belly but I love him the way he is. I am a bigger girl and he’s always told me “don’t ever loose weight for me. Do it for yourself” and him doing this and saying this is really hurting me and it effects me. What do I do? How can I approach him and tell him how I feel? Can anyone help?

  1. Just talk to him. It’s time to have the long conversation of what are the things that’s changed recently. Try to get him to open up to you why the usual things he used to enjoy with your family have all of a sudden become something he doesn’t want to get involved with no more.

  2. Going to have to ride it out until he gets his own place and moves out. Right now, he feels like he has no power, no control of his situation, forced to take charity from his GF’s family. No wonder he’s lashing out. As for the McDonald’s, ask any anorexic about how they feel like they regain control of their life by not eating.

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