Update: She cancelled our first date due to Ramadan which I completely understand. She then sends a text the next day saying we should reschedule but I don’t respond until the next day since I was busy with work and other stuff. She didn’t respond to the last text I sent and I’m afraid to call or text back cause I don’t wanna come off as needy/desperate. Should I give this girl a chance or move on? Does this show she lost interest?

Want to also add: I go to school with her and will see her again on Monday. Should I wait then to talk to her or just reach out?

  1. She is going to be fasting for another 30 days. Fuck that I don’t have to wait around for someone that long for a simple date. Imagine being married and having to deal with that every year

  2. Yo it’s Ramadan and I’m fasting and it’s super rough! Talk to her at school. If you really like her suggest a date where you fast too and you open your fast together. For a girl that’s a huge turn on and it shows that u r interested in her. Good luck!

  3. >but I don’t respond until the next day

    You couldn’t send a 30 second reply email in a 24 hour time period? She may think *you’re* the one not interested or playing games.

    Just move on. This has nothing to do with Ramadan, btw. Going to a street festival and breaking your fast with salep and camel burgers makes for a fun date.

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