I met this guy on a dating app. We hit it off immediately and met for dinner within 3 days. We ended up back at my place and things got intimate however I didn’t let it get too far, which he respected. We got along very well. We have a lot of the same views, opinions, and interests. He’s super super super kind and very funny, and I really like him. He told me multiple times that he’s very interested in getting to know me better and is attracted to me.

So the next morning, I texted him. He texted back a bit, recommended a band to me, and that was it. That was yesterday and I haven’t heard from him since.

I understand he’s a very busy individual and isn’t always on his phone. But is it crazy to think that maybe, by this point, I should have heard from him? Even if just to ask how I’m doing?

I don’t really know what to do in this situation. I haven’t done a whole lot of dating up until now. I kind of feel like I’ve been played. It may seem petty, but I refuse to text him atp because I want him to text me and acknowledge me. If he was genuinely interested, wouldn’t he want to do that? Then again, it’s only been just over a day since we last spoke.

So- idk if I’m insane and reading too much into it, or if I’ve literally been played. I’m just looking for some advice on how to handle this situation, and if I should say anything to him or leave it alone and wait.

**TLDR**: I went out with a guy I met on a dating app and haven’t heard from him in over a day, so I don’t know what to do. Am I being crazy? Do I message him or leave it alone and wait?

  1. He’s just not that into you. If your click was magical he would text you no matter how busy.

    This is pretty standard for dating. It’s a good date but not great.

  2. This is one of the reasons not to give it up on the first date. It may have cheapened his view of you or made him realize too early that you’re not what he’s looking for. There’s also the possibility all he was looking for was sex all along and conned you with the feigned interest of wanting to get to know you.

    You mentioned you don’t have a lot of experience with dating but this point, you should know not to hold your breath. If I were you, I would continue on with dating apps and not fixate so much focus on him for now. “If he wanted to, he would.”

    Good luck and I hope he does text you.,

  3. Was it a dating site? Or was it a hook up site?

    If it was a sex site then he gave up because he was there for sex and it wasn’t happening fast enough

    If it was a dating site then it’s hard to tell if he just got busy or if he lost interest. Best way to tell is to invite him for another date.

  4. It’s only been a day. If you’ve decided that you’re not going to message him then you have no choice but to wait.

  5. So you like him but you refuse to text him. you are already playing some immature game. If you like him text him, if you don’t move on.

  6. 1 day is not long at all. If anything, he could be concerned about coming off too eager. He also just might be busy, or not as keen on texting now that you’ve broken the ice of meeting irl. If you haven’t heard from him by the end of the week, then yeah he’s probably not that interested

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