I (32f) have never been in a serious relationship and while I find couples and weddings cute, it’s not something I really think about. I don’t like children but I’m not entirely against having one if I found a nice guy willing to parent with me. I guess I’m just wondering if there are people like me out there that are just open to what life brings their way. I’m surrounded by women who have their life figured out at our age, like if they don’t meet a man, they’ll have a child and be a single parent. Oh and one tiny thing, I’m also a virgin.

  1. Most people who act like they have their life figured out are delusional and will get a dose of reality one day. Life never plays out how you imagined it so just roll with it and you will know what you want when it presents itself to you

  2. Troll account. You’ve got another post talking about how you cheated on your bf.

  3. How can you be a virgin and cheat on your boyfriend of 2,5 years 😅

    But for the rest, i am like that, ill take what life brings me, im not gonna force myself with an ideal that might not make me happy

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